Vicky Terry, Director
Pocahontas County
Free Libraries
Have you heard of the reading program created by Dolly Parton?
It’s called Imagination Library, and it is a free program for children from birth to age five. Children registered in this program receive a book in the mail every month, from the time they are born until they reach their fifth birthday.
Pocahontas County has been a participant in this program for several years now, and every month we receive emails that tell us of our progress in registering the eligible children in our area. Well, my last email told me that of the 427 children who are eligible for this program in our county – we have registered 227. We still have 200 children in Pocahontas County who could be benefiting from this excellent program. I need your help to find them!
Registering is easy. You can come to one of the libraries in the county and fill out a very simple registration form. There is no income requirement – the only requirement is that you have a child age five or under. If you have more than one child under five, they can all be registered, and each child will receive books. Plus – how fun is it to receive mail? Kids love getting mail! This is a free program, and the books are nice, quality titles. You can also register online at It’s quick and easy.
Once you register, it will take about six weeks for the books to begin arriving. Also, if you move or change your mailing address, please be sure to let us know. The books cannot be forwarded to a new address, so it’s important that we are notified of address changes; we don’t want your child to miss out on any of the books.
Children need this early exposure to books and reading if they are going to be successful students. Instilling a love of reading in your child is the best gift you can give. And with this program, you can build a home library, free of charge, for your children to enjoy.
Please pass the word about Imagination Library. If you have children, grandchildren, nieces, nephews, neighbors – anyone that you know of – please ask if they are registered in the program. If you have any problems or questions, please contact me at 304-799-6000 or by email at director@pocahon
If we work together, maybe my next email will show 427 registered children. A 100 percent success rate! Wouldn’t that be great?