McClintic Library is serving as a collection site for donations of new or gently used books for the women of the Greenbrier Birthing Center. High Rocks Educational Corporation AmeriCorps members are completing this service project for the GBC, and will be accepting books through the third week of January.
Now, any time someone wants to give books to a group of people, I’m on board. Reading is so important in so many ways, and having access to books is crucial for self-education or just recreational reading. I decided to gather a bit more information about the Birth-ing Center; I’m aware of it, but I wasn’t too certain about the programs offered. Let me share what I discovered with you.
The Greenbrier Birthing Center (GBC) is located on the grounds of the Denmar Correctional Facility. It is a 20-bed facility for pregnant federal offenders. Pregnant inmates are transferred to the GBC from their parent institution in the last trimester of pregnancy and become a part of the MINT program: Mothers and Infants Nurturing Together. MINT assists offenders in making that transition from pregnancy to motherhood, with the intent of promoting maternal bonding and teaching parenting skills in a “home-like environment.” Women may stay at GBC for up to 12 months before being returned to their parent institution, released to a halfway house, or sent home, depending on their sentence. The GBC has been in place for more than 19 years with round-the-clock staffing.
The life skills programs go above and beyond at the GBC. Women who have not obtained their high school diploma or GED are required to participate in mandatory GED classes and testing, which are done on site. In addition, inmates have mandatory life skills classes which include pre-natal and post-partum classes, and classes in parenting, job readiness, financial management, early intervention and drug and alcohol counseling, and more. They also offer daily physical fitness classes for both mothers and infants.
If you are interested in learning more, you can visit www.greenbrierbirthingcen And please consider making a donation for the women at GBC. Education is an essential part of rehabilitation and you can help with this effort.