The following individuals and business have generously donated financially to the Pocahontas County Libraries and Visitor Information Centers over the past six months. We are grateful for their contributions. Donors are listed in alphabetical order, with in “honor of” or in “memory of” listed in parenthesis.
Fred and Sally Adkins, Lauralee Bailey (Irma Miller), Margaret Baker, Pat and Wayne Banning (Virginia Belle Banning), George and Jeanne Bell, Richard and Julia Bird (Lucy and Tom Moore), Barbara Keys Bryner (Warren Blackhurst and Green Bank Neighbors, Mrs. Blanche Hamed and Mrs. Sheets), Mary Sue and Mike Burns, Herman Butcher, William Buzzard (Loren Buzzard), Denise Campbell (Logan Campbell), Julia Cassells, Virginia Cassells, Opal Chamelin, David Curry (David Hamman), Betty Neil Cutlip (Richard Hill Cutlip), Thomas and Anne Dandelet, Billy Ray Davis Jr. (Leo the Cat), Henry and Christine Dietzel, Linda Donnelly, Maxine Elbon (Richard Elbon and Katherine Daugherty), Sara Emery, Fred and JoAnn Fromhart, Joseph and Frances Gabor, April Garro, Frank and Janet Ghigo, Leslie Jones Goodall (Elwood Groves), Roger Gosden, Green Bank Observatory, Janice Hatfield (Ina Montgomery), Sue Ann Heatherly, Highland House Condominium Association, David Horne, Lois Jarvi and David Roach, Dorothy Johnson (Devon Johnson), Ed and Helen Keller (Dr. Polly Kay Judy), Moreau A. Keller, Kenneth and Michelle Kellermann (David and Henny Kellermann), Gibbs Kinderman (Allen Johnson), Daniel and Carolyn Knight (Pamela Johnson), Norris Long (Bus Long), Ed and Jonelle Lowe, Ron and Nancy Maddalena, Denise and William McNeel, Margaret and Norman Melton, Mitchell Chevrolet and Noah Clifton, Michael Mohnacs, Jack O. Moore, Frank and Jane Murden, Emma G. Nottingham, Patricia Parr (Pam Lund), Pendleton Community Bank, Elizabeth Pline, George Poole, Victoria J. Poundstone (Jane Price Sharp and David Hamman), Joseph M. Romano, Connie Sharp (Goldie and Mazie Burgess), Gretchen Sharp, Jane Jessee Sharp & Dorothy Pile (Amy Mitchem), Rick & Rebekah Sharp, Donna Smith & Fred Earley, David Spitzer (Helen Spitzer), Staff of Region VI Workforce WV Development Board, Inc. (David Hamman), Nancy and Robert Steele, William and Martha Story, Ron Swanberg, Steven and Ronda Swenson (Dewey E. Ross), Richard and Teresa Swift, Jeannie Todaro (Virginia Cassells), Town of Marlinton, Roger Trusler (David Hamman), Upper Pocahontas Community Cooperative, Stephen and Tamara Vincent (Margie Vincent), Sue Vint (Albert Vint), Mark and Lauren Walters, Eugene Ward, Kyle Williams, James K. Withrow and Michelle Grinberg, Helen Woolridge, and Solomon and Anne Workman.
The following donors gave to the Roland Sharp Educational Fund, which benefits children’s programming at the libraries. David Curry, George Deike, Linda Gibb, Daniel and Sue Hollandsworth (Opal Moore), Diane Hoover, Homer Hunter, Sue Hunter (Dr. Jim Hunter), Lisa Jordan (Albert Vint), Jay and Elizabeth Lockman, Marlinton Lions Club, Bruce and Freda McKean (Rose Bowyer), Quincy and Peggy McMillion, Mosesso Agency, LLC, James Nottingham, Carolyn Phillips, Bob Rose and Marjory Moses, Martin Saffer, Ernest and Barbara Shaw, Luis E. Sorano, MD, Glenda VanReenan, and Jonathan and Mary Chester Wasko (Hunter and Beth Morgan, Steve and Irene Wasko, NSP).
The following businesses sponsored the Book-It 5K race to benefit the Linwood Community Library at Snowshoe. Big Springs Clinic, Citizens Bank of WV, Elk River Touring Center, Fiddlehead Restaurant, First Tracts Real Estate, Mountain Linen Service, Mountain Valley Properties, Old Spruce Tavern, Snowshoe Mountain Resort, and The Ski Barn.