The following individuals and businesses have generously donated financially to Pocahontas County Libraries over the past year. We are grateful for their contributions. Donors are listed in alphabetical order, with in “honor of” or in “memory of” listed in parenthesis.
Patch Adams-Gesunheit Institute (Good Books), Fred and Sally K. Adkins, Harry and Brenda Aldridge (Allen Sheets, Linda Rexrode Sheets and James Sheets Jr.), Gregory and Barbara Bailey, Lauralee Bailey (Irma Miller and Timothy Bailey), Margaret Baker, Leslie Baldwin (Jon Baldwin), Rosemary Balister (Trevor Shaw and Mary Dutchel) Pat and Wayne Banning (Mrs. Virginia Banning), Donna Barger (Kathleen Colaw), Dawn Baldwin Barrett, George and Jeanne Bell (Charlie Kingston), Richard and Julia Bird (Lucy and Tom Moore Sr.), Annie Ruth Blinson, B.L. and Phyllis Boykin, Sean GT Brain, Georgiana Bray, John and Arlene Breder, Laura Brooks and Joe Khoury, Pat Browning, Jim and Beth Bullard, K. B. Burgess (Mr. Dewey), Frank Burkett (Elizabeth Eskridge Burkett), Mary Sue and Mike Burns, Capt. Phillip Bush, II, William Buzzard (Loren Buzzard), Sandy H. Camper (The Camper Family), Steve and Ricki Carruth, Carole Casey (Anna Mae Boothe), Victoria Casey, Julia Cassells, Virginia Cassells, Opal Chamelin, Steve and Linda Chapman (Jon Burris), Barbara Circosta (Eleanor Arbogast), Jack and Judith Clark (Donald Anton), Dorothy Coleman (Ralph Coleman), Michael A. Corley, Ray and Krista Crabtree (Truth and Civility), David Craddock, LuAnn and Ray Creager, Harold Crist (Betty Ruth Crist), Jean and Bill Crum, Bruce and David Curry, Bet and David Curtis, Betty Neil Cutlip (Richard Hill Cutlip), Mickey Deike (Emma Beard and Tim Waybright), Blair Devan, Henry Dietzel, Elaine Diller, Richard and Linda Donnelly, Ellen Doyle, Marita Dragon, Cheryl Duff, Jane Dumire, Elk River Snowboard and Ski, Elk River Touring, John and Hayes Eilers, Maxine Elbon (Richard Elbon), Sara and Dick Emery, Melissa Ervine, Dorothy Fendt, Joe and Penny Ferretti, First Tracts Real Estate, Eleonora Florance (Uncle Oleg), Robert and Victoria Forrest, The Friel Family, Lee and Dorothea Fuqua, Joseph and Frances Gabor, Katherine Garber (Phyllis Scruggs), Linda Gibb (Town Councilman Gibb), Michael Goldberg, Roger Gosden, Green Bank Observatory, Calvin and Rhodanna Hall (Our parents), Bertie Hamilton, Dave Hamman (Debra Hamman), Ernestine Hannah (Tammi S. Hannah), Tom and Raenel Hansen, Josh Hardy, Bill Hartman, Philip and Marsha Hastings, Janice Hatfield (Ina Montgomery), Sue Ann Heatherly, Richard Hess, Highland House Condominium Association, Deborah Hoeper (Bill Burner Family), Rosalie Hill Holder (Bonnie and A.S. (Swartz) Hill), Diane Hoover (Dorothy S. Ervine and Kathleen Colaw), David Horne, Robert R. Humphris, Homer R. Hunter, Sue Hunter (Kelly Andrews-Meck and the Jacob Meck Family), Greg and Kathleen Hutton, Sidney and Carolyn Jack, Lois Jarvi and David Roach (Spyder Z.), Jim Johansen, Sally Jones, Lisa Jordan, Ed and Helen Keller, Kenneth and Michelle Kellermann (David and Henny Kellermann), Gibbs Kinderman, Daniel and Carolyn Knight (Hard-working Librarians and Vicky Terry), Glen and Katherine Lang-ston, Robert Lannan and Jane Pritchard, Leather-bark Owners Assoc., Douglas and Sharon Leslie, Sandra Lessig, James P. Leveille, David & Claire Litsey, Elizabeth Little, Jay & Elizabeth Lockman, David & Jean Lovelace, Ed & Jonelle Lowe, Creola V. Loyd (Grandparents-Dilley and Parents-Shumaker), Carol Ann Luke, Roland and Sue Ellen MacDonald, Ann Magnuson (Bob Magnuson), David and Amy Maher, Marlinton Lions Club, Marlinton Woman’s Club, William G. Martin, Ira and Brenda Maupin (Rebecca Garber), Linda McCoy, Clare and Whitey McDaniel, Bruce and Freda McKean, Forrest and Doris McLaughlin, Quincy and Peggy McMillion, Marshall and Betty McMullen, Mike and Trish McNaull, Denise and William McNeel, James McNeel, Caroline McNeil, David and Martha Meadows (Mary Ann Eader), Margaret and Norman Melton, Butch and Kathy Michael, Michael and Terri Mohnacs, Margaret Monk (Edward Monk), Garland Moore (Father, Garland Moore), Jack O Moore (Mary Dare Moore), Morning Glory Inn, Nancy Mosley (Sam Barlow), Mountain Valley Realty, Martha Mullett, Mountain Linen Services, Celeste Nalwasky, National Wild Turkey Federation, James Nottingham, Michael Odell (Eula Sovine), Mike and Lori Pancione, Kate and Scott Parker, Kathryn and Troost Parker (Nancy Egan), ParMar Oil Co., Patricia Parr (Pam Lund), Pendleton Community Bank, Tolly Peuleche, Carolyn Phillips, Pocahontas County Drama Workshop, George and Anka Poole, Rodney Poole, Victoria J. Poundstone (Jane Price Sharp), Walter Ralston (Green Bank High School), John Rebinski, James and Maryellen Remich, Scott and Linda Roach (Grace Varner), David Rockwell, Joseph M. Romano, Bob Rose and Marjory Moses, Terri and John Saunders (Louise Butcher), Sue and Ray Schultz, Karen and Garold Senger (Gayle Mullenax), Serenity Guesthouse, Connie Sharp (Goldie and Mazie Burgess), Gretchen Sharp, Jane Jessee Sharp (Marietta Stemple), Victoria and John Sharp (Jane Price Sharp), Ernest and Barbara Shaw, Snowshoe Mountain Inc., Debbie Sorensen (Sara Lyons), Dr. Luis Sorano, Paul Speyser, David Spitzer (Helen Spitzer), Lee Stilwell, William and Martha Story, Dorothy Strehlen, Ron Swanberg, Richard and Teresa Swift, Pat Tallman (Tweard Blackhurst), Albert Zane Taylor, The Clean Machine, Jeannie Todaro (Alice Todaro and Virginia Cassells’ 91st Birthday), Kyle Tomer and Mark Smith, Frank and Jeanne Townsend, Rebecca W. Trafton, Mary A. Turley (Norma Mikesell), Mary Ann E. Turney (Granison L. and Mary Ann Atkinson Eader), Karen Vanover, Glenda VanReenan, Sue Vint (Edwin Vint), Arlene and Lucian Walton, Eugene Ward, Jonathan Wasko (Snowshoe Ski Patrol), Leroy Webb (Jenny Webb), Julian and Marilyn Whanger, Rene White, Brenda Williams, Kyle Williams, Charles and Rita Wilson (Mary and Judith Oila), James K. Withrow and Michelle Grinberg, The Why Not Shop, Gil and Mary Willis, The Wooddell Family, Woodford Oil Co, Helen Woolridge, Solomon Workman, Thomas Yanko (My Swiss Mountain Dog, Bentley), and Carter Zerbe (Fanny Carter Zerbe).