Dear Editor;
The term “Hero” has lately been thrown around pretty indiscriminately by some, too often being used to describe anyone in uniform. “Thank you for your service” is the catchword of the day, whether that service be in the heat of battle or at a desk in the Pentagon.
Years back, the term was reserved for those who served heroically in combat, especially those who gave, as Abraham Lincoln put it, “the last full measure of devotion.”
And there were so many who gave their lives in service to their country. The Pocahontas Times has run a weekly feature titled “75 Years Ago” which for the last two years has been giving the news – week by week since early 1944 – and much of that news has been about those who left life and limb on the battlefields of World War II.
As we approach the 75th anniversary of the day that war ended in Europe –V-E DAY, May 8, 1945, let us remember what heroism really is – and resolve as a nation that, unlike the period of the last 30 years, we never again sacrifice young lives in endless wars with no clear objective in sight.
Thanks to The Pocahontas Times, and Preserving Pocahontas for the picture of young men lined up in front of the Pocahontas County Courthouse ready to go to war in 1942.
Gibbs Kinderman
Open letter
To: All Pocahontas County Teachers
I want to take this opportunity to recognize, thank, and show my deepest appreciation to the teachers of Pocahontas County on this National Teacher Appreciation Day.
It has been a very unusual and stressful time for all of us, as I know that you miss your jobs, your kids, and your fellow co-workers. With the school year ending so abruptly and unconventionally, I know that the end of the school year will be anti-climactic and less gratifying than usual. At this time of year, we usually are all very excited about the school year ending and summer vacations beginning – but not so much this year.
There is so much uncertainly, so much unknown. Something is missing, and one of those things missing is proper closure. We are left with a kind of empty feeling.
The anticipation, the countdown of days until the end of school, the recognition ceremonies, the goodbyes, the hugs and the tears. It is not normal for the year to end this way.
We are all creatures of “normal.” We all want to know what is next. We don’t like not knowing what is next.
But with all of that said, things will get better, and we will all get back together again soon with many of the same issues, viewpoints and opinions of how to make things better for our kids.
But let us realize how fortunate we are as teachers in wild and wonderful Pocahontas County.
So many of our fellow citizens are out of work and have uncertainty about their future employment. We are so blessed to know that when things improve, we will still have our jobs. We still have our hope, and we still have each other.
So, again, I want to thank all of you for who you are and what you do for our kids. I look forward to seeing each of you soon.
With much gratitude,
Terrence C. Beam,