Dear Editor:
I was thrilled to see a reminder of my past with the article of “Grandma Moses” in last week’s paper.
Eighteen years ago, I lived in Hoosick Falls, New York, a stone’s throw from Eagle Bridge, New York.
Her artist grandson, Will Moses, has an art gallery, Mt. Nebo, in the area. He is a renowned artist, and a gentleman farmer, who raises Scottish Highland cattle.
One of his works has greeted me at the base of my stairs every day for the last 15 years.
I continually use his note cards as the paintings of the terrain and the lifestyles are so familiar to me.
I was born in Keene, New Hampshire, and much of the scenery of West Virginia is a reminder of home to me.
The article was a most welcomed read, as is most of your paper.
I thank you for her tribute and will send it to her grandson, Will Moses.
Patricia Vasquez
Dear Editor:
Slow down please.
We have to protect our water.
For if we have the ability to slow down, the generations now and the next generation will have the knowledge to overcome the past, in our energy needs, without destroying the things that God created.
This area in the mountains is extremely valuable, because we are the head of a lot of rivers that flow down from the mountains.
We need, as a people on the eastern mountains of the United States, to protect all of us, and in a sense revere this land.
For if we don’t, our little ones and our families pay the price.
Please take into consideration God’s love for man and his creations.
Ethan A. Burgess
Dear Editor:
During this recent primary season some campaign promises made by candidates expressed solutions to fix moral and fiscal problems for the benefit of all residents. During the recent primary season there were plenty of good ideas amongst those running that didn’t make the recent cut to hold office.
As constituents we can ask of our elected representation to consider and act on the wisdoms expressed.
For one example, Mr. Robert Martin, in his run for county prosecutor, realized his folly of holding down two particular $36,000/year salaried positions. Acknowledging this, he made a campaign promise to bring the legal counsel coverage for the County Commission and the Board of Education back under the jurisdiction of our elected county prosecutor.
The current office holder, Mr. Eugene Simmons, agrees it is these duties that can easily be fulfilled by an elected prosecuting attorney such as himself.
Wouldn’t it be considerate of the taxpayers for Mr. Martin to step aside and save us his prorated and future $72,000/year salary now?
If he is incapable of doing the right and proper thing, I ask county commission president Jamie Walker and board of education president Emery Grimes and county prosecutor Eugene Simmons to call for the immediate resignation of Mr. Robert Martin from his observed unnecessary and tax burdensome county commission and board of education legal counsel positions. These current leaders owe it to their constituents to hold Mr. Martin accountable now for his stated and honorable belief.
Tom Grimes
Green Bank