Dear Editor:
At one time or another most of us adults have complained about our government. Whether it’s local, state or on the federal level, there is much to be concerned about.
Dysfunctional leadership has been around since the year one, and these days it seems we are more polarized than ever. Our political leaders are taking selfish behavior to new heights, although maybe new depths better describes what’s happening.
Why do we continue to re-elect almost every incumbent who decides to run again? Could it be our entrenched elected officials are going to get what we want faster than new persons?
Why are most of us concerned about paying our bills and fiscal responsibility, yet at the same time we want more than we can afford? We beg Washington, D. C., Charleston and Marlinton for funds because we consider our projects worthwhile and good, but we are unhappy our government spends much more than it collects from its citizen. Isn’t the problem that most of us desire a larger piece of the monetary pie? You know, the large slice we think we need and deserve.
The Pocahontas Times, September 19, 2013 edition, ran a front page story about the rebuilding of the burnt-out Marlinton Depot. According to the writer more than $600,000 has been spent, another $100,000 is needed to complete the train station, and more than half of the funds were supplied by Washington, D. C. If it’s completed, the result – with its smooth “2 x 4s” – will be a somewhat historical copy of the original building. The knock-off will cost $700,000, “courtesy” of others.
Truly, I enjoy historical things and am sorry it burned.
The Times ran another story October 10, 2013 on Page 2 about one more U. S. taxpayer money drain.
Pocahontas Woods was funded to the tune of $650,000 and after less than a decade of operation is no longer viable. I’m aware the local government will try to salvage much of the taxpayers’ investment and I wish them well, but the six-fifty “courtesy” of others has already been spent.
Truly, I hope and pray for clean employment for all who want to work.
When are we going to realize it’s not the government that is responsible for the dysfunction in America?
When are we going to realize it’s not those in another town, county, state or country that’s the problem?
If we want a good ending, the way we are operating cannot continue. The dirty rotten truth is we don’t care about the ending as long as we receive another piece of our favorite variety of pie now.
Truly, I hope and pray for us.
Don Vermilyea
Dear Editor:
To my knowledge tourism and tourism-related businesses are the number one source of income in the state of West Virginia.
I would rather have a job in tourism than no job at all – part-time or full-time.
I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for a big industry of any sort to come to this area.
David Zorn
Dear Editor:
Say “no” to National Monument.
The Wilderness Coalition is promoting the Birthplace of Rivers National Monument, an area that is the headwaters of the Cherry, Cranberry and Williams rivers.
They say that the area needs more protection to preserve it for future generations. However, they fail to say what restrictions probably would be put in place to add further protection. I have been enjoying the area for more than 50 years and believe that the area has been well managed and should be left as is.
Mike Costello, the lobbyist for the Wilderness Coalition, says that as a National Monument the area will be managed as it is currently, allowing hunting, fishing and vehicle access. The fact is that he cannot guarantee anything because the Land Management Plan will not be drafted until after the area is designated a National Monument. Organizations like the Wilderness Coalition and the Sierra Club will have a lot of input into the final plan. I personally know some of these members and know they believe that the National Forest should be only for low impact activities like hiking.
My wife and I were fined in Yellowstone National Park for canoeing on the Yellowstone River. It never occurred to us that it would be illegal to do so. I have canoed the length of the Cherry, Cranberry and Williams rivers at different times. If made a National Monument it is plausible to believe that someday it would be illegal to put a canoe in many of these headwaters. Future generations would not be able to enjoy the rivers as I have.
The National Monument could become a reality if only one of our elected representatives put the proposal on President Obama’s desk and he signs it.
I called Congressman Rahall’s office and was told by an aide that the congressman did not “have a hand in the matter.”
We must ask our representatives to actively oppose the National Monument designation. Please call your Congressmen and Senator Manchin’s office and ask them to speak out against the Birthplace of Rivers National Monument.
Doug Cooper
Valley Head