Six Pocahontas Memorial Hospital staff members attended the annual Hospital Day at the Legislature February 4 and 5. The event was organized by the West Virginia Hospital Association. Hospital Day is attended by representatives from dozens of hospitals from across West Virginia. The event began Monday evening with a legislative reception at the Four Points by Sheraton and continued Tuesday morning with a breakfast and legislative briefing where members had the opportunity to hear WVHA staff discuss key bills of interest. The remainder of the event allowed participants to attend Senate and House floor sessions, committee meetings, and to meet with their local legislators at the State Capitol Complex. This is an important opportunity to let legislators know how certain bills might impact our hospital and community.
Those attending, l to r: CNO Kyna Moore; PMH CEO Mary Beth Barr; Clinical Lab Supervisor Kathy Irvine; Radiology Lab Supervisor Cheryl Cain; Public Relations Coordinator Susan Wilkins; and RHC Supervisor Robin Taylor, not pictured. PMH photo