The 12th Annual Pennies for Patients Fundraiser at Green Bank Elementary Middle School wrapped up last week. This project, led by school counselor Ira Brown raises money for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, and is sponsored by Natural Helpers.
The school raised $1086.61, or about $4.29 per student.
Karen Murphy’s second grade class took first place, by collecting $263.85. They will have a party to celebrate their accomplishment.
In the past 12 years, GBEMS has raised more than $18,000 through this program.
“It is truly amazing,” Brown said. “To see all of these students come together and donate for this cause, and for us to have raised that much with our small school, it truly is outstanding. And I want to extend a very special thanks to the First Citizens Bank of Arbovale for all of their help in counting all of that change that was collected.”
For more information regarding local programs and services of the Western Pennsylvania and West Virginia Chapter of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, call 1-800-726-CURE (2873) or visit their website at www.lls.org/wpa