It was evident at the FFA banquet Friday evening that members view the club as more than a school sanctioned organization. It is a family.
In the past three weeks, that family dealt with an issue which could have damaged the club, but instead it unified the members even more.
Outgoing vice president Lyndsee Gay tearfully shared her gratitude to the community and club members for the outpouring of help.
“As everyone knows, it’s been kind of rough the past few weeks for our chapter,” she said. “Without everyone here to support us, it wouldn’t be possible. With these people here, I have grown to be who I am, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I am who I am because of my fellow FFA members, and these guys truly are my best friends. I want to thank all of you for being here for me throughout the year – making me laugh, even at inappropriate times. I am honestly in love with the chapter. I will support FFA until the day I die.”
The students banded together to present awards to those who go out of their way to promote agricultural education.
“It is always a pleasure to receive honorary members into the FFA,” president J.J. Riley said. “The purpose of this ceremony is to recognize from time to time, the efforts made on behalf of the club.”
Secretary Kindra Carr explained that the honorary FFA degree is open to farmers, school superintendents, principals, members of the board of education, chapter advisors, teachers, staff members in the agricultural education, business people and others who are helping advance the agricultural education of the chapter.
Recipients of the 2013-2014 Honorary FFA Degree were business education teacher Cammy Kesterson and Southern States Co-op manager Robert Lee.
The students also recognized members of the Pocahontas County High School staff who assisted the chapter this year. Shirlene Groseclose, Wanda Hrabina, Kesteron, Teresa Mullen, Scott Garber, Linda Beverage and Duane Gibson were recognized for their efforts.
Members receiving the Chapter Awards were: Kindra Carr, Emily Boothe, Lyndsee Gay, Katlin Sharp and Ashlyn McKenney.
To close the ceremony, 2013-2014 officers installed the 2014-2015 officers. The outgoing officers are: Sentinal Dayla Lambert, Reporter Cody Himelrick. Treasurer Emily Boothe. Secretary Kindra Carr, Vice President Lyndsee Gay and President J.J. Riley.
New officers are: Sentinel Autumn Vance, Reporter Austin Ervine, Treasurer Katlin Sharp, Secretary Barndall Carr, Vice President Emily Boothe and President Kindra Carr.
It was a special moment for new president Kindra Carr because she is following in her brother’s footsteps. Spencer Carr was the 2012-2013 president.
Taking the podium and gavel, Kindra thanked the chapter for the honor of being its president.
“This means so much to me,” she said. “I can’t explain it. Thank you.”
The meal was prepared by students in Teresa Mullen’s ProStart class.
Suzanne Stewart may be contacted at sastewart@pocahontastimes.com