Laura Dean Bennett
Staff Writer
Don’t forget the 21st Annual Great Backyard Bird Count February 16 to 19.
The GBBC is led by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and the National Audubon Society.
You can count the birds in your own backyard, right there at the feeders, from the comfort of your own home.
Or you can travel a little farther afield and go to a park, or get out on your favorite hiking trail to count birds there.
Maybe you are better able to make a count on your school grounds or while you’re taking a break from farm chores in the barn lot.
Make notes of how many of each species of birds you see during a time period of at least 15 minutes, on one or more of the four requisite days and submit your report online at
This global event provides an opportunity for bird enthusiasts to contribute to an extensive international database.
Scientists will use this data to better understand trends in bird populations, range expansions, habitat changes and shifts in migration patterns.
Don’t miss this once-a-year chance to learn more about our fine feathered friends.
For more information about this worthwhile project, go to