Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Pocahontas County Board of Education held a special work session last Thursday to appoint an interim member to fill the vacancy left by Becky Campbell’s resignation. The board also discussed the superintendent’s and board members’ goals for the 2024-2025 school year.
After interviewing three candidates for the position, the board appointed Andrew “Frosty” McNabb to fill the vacancy. McNabb was sworn in and took his seat among the board members.
Superintendent Lynne Bostic presented her two main goals for the school year.
First, Bostic said the goal is to see students increase their performance in English/language arts, math, science and social studies by five percent over last year. She explained that, obviously, the goal is to have every student be at 100 percent in those four core areas to ensure they are at grade level and prepared for the future, but said it is important to reach that goal incrementally.
The second goal is to increase the leadership support to include, but not limited to, strategic planning, scheduling, evaluation process and instructional leadership.
“The reason I went with this is we’ve been talking with the instructional team about having strong instructional leaders, that would fall down to our teachers, to our staff, and hopefully, then we would be able to make a difference that way,” Bostic said. “We already have monthly meetings. We’re trying to turn the monthly meetings away from talking about memos and have them do work sessions. They really do seem to appreciate that.”
Next, the board reviewed its goals for the school year and chose the following five:
• Monitor the school’s strategic plans
• Reinstate surveys
• Provide PRO [Professional Resource Officers] when possible
• Meet with the staff – service and personnel – at least once a year and in each community
• Purchase a van for Pocahontas County High School sports and clubs
In other action, the board approved:
• Refund check for bus purchase.
• Accepting the Architectural and Engineering Design Services of William Shrive Architects, of Charleston, as the architect for the Major Improvement Project [MIP] for electrical upgrades and gym floor replacement at Pocahontas County High School.