Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
At Monday evening’s Pocahontas County Board of Education meeting, Pocahontas County High School art students and teacher Diana Nelson presented four paintings to the board to brighten the walls of the office. The paintings were created by four seniors.
Nelson, who was joined by two of the artists – Violet McComb and Ryliegh Vaughan – unveiled the paintings which depicted county landmarks. Kylian Dennison’s painting was of a locomotive at Cass Scenic Railroad State Park; McComb’s was Watoga State Park Lake; Vaughan chose the Droop Mountain State Park tower; and Josie McCarty’s painting was of the Green Bank Telescope.
A fifth painting of a mountainscape by Nelson will be added to the collection at a later date.
The board thanked Nelson and the students for their contribution to the board office décor.
In updates:
• Superintendent Terrence Beam recognized the students who participated in the Young Writer’s Contest. Winners were: Hillsboro Elementary School – Sal Marks, Willa Hardy and Molly Cook; Marlinton Elementary School – Jarrell Clifton, Alary Creamer, Kaidence Cutlip and Gavin Jordan; Marlinton Middle School, Paul Jordan, Ramona Hardy and Hayley Kincaid; and Green Bank Elementary-Middle School – Skylar McLean, James Smith, Amber Defibaugh and Emilynn Hall.
County winners who will represent Pocahontas County at the state competition are: Jarrell Clifton, Willa Hardy, Ramona Hardy and Emilynn Hall. The competition will be held in May at the University of Charleston.
• Student representative Sierra Rodriguez reported that the PCHS Lady Warriors are headed to Charleston for the state basketball playoffs, and the Robotics team will compete at the World Competition in Kentucky in April. She added that the PCHS math field day team placed second at the regional fair, and Hadden Mick and Alan Gibson will move on to the state competition as individuals.
• Green Bank resident Jacob Meck addressed the board with his proposal to purchase a parcel of land from the board of education. Meck’s business, Jacob Meck Construction, is bordered on three sides by the board’s property, and he is interested in purchasing approximately two acres for additional parking for his employees.
The board discussed the proposal with Meck and explained that it must contact its attorney, Jason Long, of Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP, to discuss the proper procedure for selling land.
Board president Joe Walker said the board will work with Long and keep in touch with Meck throughout the process.
In miscellaneous management, the board approved the following:
• Retainer agreement for legal service between Dinsmore & Shohl, LLP and Pocahontas County Board of Education, for legal services and fees set at $3,500 per month for a total of $42,000, effective for the 2020-2021 school year.
• Annual pest management service agreement between Pocahontas County Board of Education and Ehrlich, effective March 2020.
• Bid from Frontier Communications for Wide Area Network.
• Annual Memorandum of Understanding between West Virginia University Cooperative Extension Service and the County Extension Service Committee, with the Pocahontas County Board of Education, for the 2020-2021 school year.
• Memorandum of Understanding between Glenville State College and Pocahontas County Board of Education to provide dual enrollment classes to high school students, effective for the 2020-2021 school year.
• Teacher-in-Residency agreement between West Virginia University and Pocahontas County Board of Education, effective for the 2019-2020 school year.
• The following as parent and community volunteers for Pocahontas County Schools for the 2019-2020 school year: Julianna Beckwith, Vivian Leigh Reed Biggs, Mariah Nikole Cassell, Harriet Jean Faulknier, Richard William Faulknier, David G. Long, Adelene Jane Mace, Samuel Garland Mace, Alesha Kathleen Moore, Deborah A. Moore, Kari Lynn Reed, Kelsey Marie Smith, Natasha Elaine Trainer and Lisa G. Workman.
• David Long as volunteer assistant fourth and fifth grade basketball coach at Marlinton Elementary School, effective for the 2019-2020 season.
• Appointment of the superintendent to begin on July 1, 2020, and ending no later than June 30, 2024.
In personnel management, the board approved the following:
• Request to transfer of Derek R. Trull, as teacher of science at Pocahontas County High School, to teacher of science at Green Bank Elementary-Middle School, at state basic salary based on degree and experience, effective March 11, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Term of employment is 56 days. Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter.
• Resignation of Susan L. Grant as teacher of multi-subjects at Marlinton Elementary School, effective at the end of the 2019-2020 school year.
• Unpaid medical leave of Jessica A. McNabb as teacher of physical education/health at Marlinton Middle School, retroactive to March 9, or upon exhaustion of personal leave, up to twelve weeks.
• Employment of Charlie M. Hughes as teacher of mathematics at Marlinton Middle School, at state basic salary based on degree and experience, effective March 11, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Term of employment is 56 days. Term of employment shall be 200 days each year thereafter.
• Appointment of Sherry L. Radcliff as treasurer for Pocahontas County Schools, bond requirement by the State of West Virginia, as per Code 18-9-6, effective for the 2020-2021 fiscal year.
• Employment of Eleanor L. Bell as substitute teacher for Pocahontas County Schools, at state basic salary, effective March 11, as needed, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year.
• Creation of position graduation coach at Pocahontas County High School, effective for the 2020-2021 school year. Term of employment is 200 one-half days.
• Supervisory aide agreement between the following individuals and Pocahontas County Board of Education, retroactive to their respective employment dates, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year: Amber Arbogast, Kimberly Beverage, Sarah Cover, Tammy Rider and Michelle Ryder.
The next board meeting is Tuesday, March 31, at 6 p.m., at the board of education conference room.