Twenty-six Pocahontas County youth participated in this year’s 4-H/FFA Livestock Show and Sale August 24 at the Pocahontas Producers Stockyards. A total of 42 animals were exhibited and judged – 6 steers, 18 hogs, 15 lambs, and 3 goats. Thirty-two animals were sold – 6 market steers, 13 market hogs, 10 market lambs, and 3 market goats– at the Livestock Sale which had a total sales volume of $59,722.
Last year’s total sales volume was $48,346 with 21 youth selling 28 animals.

Winners of Showmanship contests were: Riley Hamons, Junior Beef; Jarrell Clifton, Senior Beef; Trey Sattler, Master Beef; Victor Dean, Junior Swine; Leanne Green, Senior Swine and Master Swine; Lane Wilfong, Junior Sheep; Silas Dean, Senior Sheep; Savana Sharp, Master Sheep; Riley Hamons, Junior Goat; Lane Wilfong, Senior Goat and Master Goat. Winner of the Pee Wee Lamb Contest was Kolton Wilfong.
Exhibitors competed in skillathon competitions sponsored by Mosesso Agency to enhance the educational aspect of the market animal projects. Trey Sattler won the Junior Division, Victor Dean placed second, and Silas Dean placed third. Macaden Taylor won Senior Division, Luke Gainer placed second, and Kirsten Friel placed third. Each will receive a cash prize.

The Lyndsee Gay Lambert Memorial was awarded to Lane Wilfong, the overall Premier Exhibitor for the day.
He received the “traveling” engraved plaque and a $100 scholarship to use for purchase, care, and showing of livestock.

The Grand Champion Market Goat, exhibited by Lane Wilfong, was purchased by Fassifern Farms for $8.50/lb. Mosesso Agency purchased the Reserve Grand Champion Market Goat, exhibited by Riley Ann Hamons, for $8/lb.

The Grand Champion Market Hog, exhibited by Leanne Green, sold for $7.75/lb. to Dari-Land.

The Reserve Grand Champion Market Hog, exhibited by Victor Dean, was purchased by Southern States for $8.50/lb.

The Grand Champion Market Lamb, exhibited by Jesse McNabb, was purchased by Pendleton Community Bank, for $6.50/lb. Workman Solutions purchased the Reserve Grand Champion Market Lamb, exhibited by Savana Sharp, for $5.50/lb.

The Grand Champion Market Steer, exhibited by Jessica Armstrong, was purchased by Southern States for $4/lb. The Reserve Grand Champion Steer, exhibited by Jarrell Clifton, was purchased by Dari-Land for $3.75/lb.
Show premiums totaling $1,300 were donated from City National Bank, Paul Hill Farms, Kniceley Insurance and James E. Jordan Logging. In addition, Southern States purchased a handmade wooden 4-H plaque, donated by Denmar Correctional Facility/Kirk Walton, for $1,300 to fund premiums.

Jean McClure made a lovely white-iced chocolate sheet cake decorated with animals and 4-H/FFA logos. It was auctioned to Glades Building Supply for $800 to fund project premiums for all county 4-Hers. Glades donated an additional $200 for project premiums.
Judge for the show was Daisy Bailey. Kurt Mothes served as the announcer. Ben Wilfong auctioneered and Nicole Brock served as the photographer. Lunch. consisting of hot dogs and hamburgers. was served by Brushy Flat Bushwackers 4-H Club. Pork barbecue dinners were provided by Marlinton Lion’s Club. Exhibitor meals were donated by the Pocahontas County 4-H Leaders Association.
The Pocahontas County High School FFA hosted youth games and a sheep costume contest. Dari-Land provided prizes for the youth games and Farm Credit provided T-shirts. Herby Barlow assisted with mowing the grounds.
Evan Rose assisted in the show arena and hauled livestock.
The Pocahontas County 4-H and FFA exhibitors greatly appreciate the support of all the individuals and businesses who made this sale possible. Buyers and other contributors for the sale included:
Southern States, Mitchell Chevrolet, Dari-Land, James River Equipment, Pendleton Community Bank, Appalachian Aggregates, Snowshoe Campground, Rockingham Co-op., Paul Alderman, Fassifern Farms, Citizens Bank of WV, Snowshoe Mountain Inc., Workman Solutions, Mosesso Agency, Mountain Top Cattle Co., Countryside Meats, Gibson’s Feed and Grain, Hamilton’s Legacy, Burns Motor Freight, and Lawrence Sr. and Mary Ruth Kiner family.
Livestock projects increase basic agricultural awareness and recordkeeping skills and provide exhibitors the opportunity to build financial savings for higher education through selling their livestock.
The show/sale are possible only through generous support of businesses/individuals throughout our county and neighboring areas.