I want to share some information and resources specific to Substance Use Prevention.
West Virginia has six Regions for Substance Use Prevention. Community Connections Inc. is the Lead Prevention Organization for Region 6. Region 6 includes 11 southern counties of Fayette, Greenbrier, McDowell, Mercer, Monroe, Nicholas, Pocahontas, Raleigh, Summers, Webster and Wyoming.
I am a Certified Prevention Specialist II and the Partnerships For Success Coordinator in six of the West Virginia Region 6 counties. A colleague works in the other five.
Specifics of my efforts include working with community partners to collaborate in providing services and resources to youth, ages nine to 20, who are at a higher than usual risk of underage drinking, marijuana or IV drug use. Therefore, I collaborate with Schools, Expanded School Mental Health, Communities in Schools, Youth Reporting Centers, Community Prevention Coalitions, Youth Groups and others who serve youth. Although my work is specific to the youth mentioned, I want to share valuable resources West Virginia has for everyone that can be accessed online and/or by phone or text.
HELP4WV offers a 24/7 call, chat, and text line that provides immediate help for any West Virginian struggling with an addiction or mental health issue.
Help & Hope WV connects people to information, tools, directory of services, calendar of trainings and events across the state.
Stigma Free West Virginia is an online resource that works to reduce the stigma around individuals with substance use disorders to improve treatment and recovery from addiction. This resource connects people to information, tools, services and events across the State.
988 is a 3 digit dialing code connection for suicide and crisis prevention and intervention.
The “Talk. They Hear You.” Underage Drinking Prevention National Media Campaign empowers parents and caregivers to talk with children early about alcohol and other drug use
1-833 784-1385
This program offers support through a statewide collaboration of agencies that provide West Virginians in recovery the opportunity to obtain career training and to ultimately secure meaningful employment.