Thursday, May 29, 1924
The Home Builders Class of the Methodist Sunday School held a social in the church parlors on Saturday evening, May 24. The teachers and officers of the Sunday School were their guests…
The class has a membership of nearly 70 women, and an average attendance of 45 to 50…
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Mr. and Mrs. Paul Overholt entertained the Senior Class of Edray District High School at their home Monday evening, May 26. The evening was spent in playing games and delightful refreshments were served. Those present were: Misses Icie Kelley, Ruby Dilley, Ruby Bailey, Jewell Warwick, Virginia Garth, Ottie Lang, Zell Poage, Alice Friel, Ruth Cunningham, Grace Graves, Pearl Barlow, Hyldred Waugh, Gertrude Overholt, Mrs. Frank Echols. Messers Edward Wilson, Tom Yeager, Robert Auldridge, Walter Mason, Dempsey Johnson, Ward Williams, Hubert Echols, Omar Brill, Adolph Cooper, Early Bryant and Porter VanReenan.
Farmers are very late with their spring work; very little corn is planted yet. The weather continues cool with snow on the mountain summits.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Avrill Williams, a daughter.
Mrs. Sam Dean is preparing to move to Bruffeys Creek.
In reading the history of Richard Hill in The Times recently, it can be included also that he has a few grandchildren who survive him, namely: Wallace Hill and Joel R. Hill, of Lobelia, Franklin and Claybourne Hill, of Missouri, D. C. Hill, of Jacox; Sam Hill, of Renicks Valley; Lee and Willis Hill, of Charleston, and scores of great-grandchildren as well as great-great-grandchildren all over the county, the state of West Virginia and in other states of the U. S. His descendants are long lived.
Harman Shiflet was hurt in an automobile wreck May 13, and died at the Elkins Hospital the following Saturday. He leaves a young wife, who before marriage was Miss Ethel Curtis, of Durbin, and one small child.
Wednesday, May 14, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hudson gave a supper in honor of Mr. Hudson’s 48th birthday. Those present were Mrs. Wallace Sutton, Marion Gum, J. L. Hudson and wife, C. J. Bish and wife, Glen Galford, Mrs. Lydia Kerr and Mrs. Martha Barnett.
The W. M. railroad was badly torn up by high water last week.
J. S. Bennett’s house was burned last Tuesday night.
Mrs. Emma Smith, wife of Captain A. E. Smith, Tuesday noon, May 27, 1924. Funeral service at the Marlin- ton Methodist church; burial in Mt. View Cemetery. More than 40 years ago, she and her husband came to Pocahontas county, and the family has been prominently identified with the affairs of the county ever since… In this way is noted the passing of a beautiful life spent in services for others…
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Mrs. Rachel Gardner McClure died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Tyler May, at Beard May 7, 1924. Her age was 97 years, six months and 22 days. She was, no doubt, the oldest person in Pocahontas county and probably in this section of the State, yet she retained until within a few days of her death, a striking vigor and an exceptionally keen interest in affairs. Her memory was the best and to converse with her was a real pleasure to her many friends and neighbors… The funeral service was conducted at the Droop church with interment in the Droop cemetery.
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Jacob Owen Carey was born in Garrett County, Md. April 14, 1861, and was killed April 17, 1924, aged 63 years… In the death of Mr. Cary, Pocahontas County has lost one of its best citizens. The poor and needy were never forgotten by him. One can truthfully say that he was a man that the community could ill afford to lose…
One by one we all are going down the pathway steep and straight,
But O! the joy there is in knowing that we shall meet beyond the gate.
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Mrs. Minta Kelley, wife of Scott Kelley, departed this life at her home at Frost, May 2, 1924… Funeral service was conducted from the M. E. Church with burial in the church cemetery… She leaves her husband and their children, John Wilbur Kelley, Mrs. Ellett Gragg and Mrs. William Thomas.
“She is gone, but not forgotten,
Never shall her memory fade.
Sweetest thought shall ever linger
Round the grave where she is laid.”