The Bank of Hillsboro opened its doors for business September 30, 1914. It was organized July 11, 1914 with the following officers and board of directors: Geo. W. Callison President, F. W. Ruckman, Vice-President, J. K. Marshall, Cashier, A. P. Edgar, Attorney. Directors: Geo. W. Callison, F. W. Ruckman, Wm. H. Auldridge, Carl G. Beard, J. S. McNeel, John W. Goodsell, L. S. Cochran, F. P. Kidd, Lee P. McLaughlin, A. R. Smith, G. C. Beard, J. W. Beard, M. N. McCoy, C. W. Kennison and C. J. Stulting. On December 8, 1930, the bank went into voluntary liquidation. The Bank of Hillsboro building, having fallen into disrepair, was demolished last week. Photos courtesy of Tom Walker