2023 October activity report
Much of this week’s Mayor’s Corner comes from the October Mayor’s Report to Town Council and is a collage of various meetings and topics. There is too much work going on to be specific about any one thing.
Lots of effort is going into the Home Rule application before it can be presented to the public. Requests for water service seems routine. Some services take time.
During October, I toured the town with a mural artist; attended county commission meetings and GO402 Public Training; met with the Conservation Agency for a team inspection at Smith Lake and follow-up on Marlin Run; calls, emails, contracts and communications on various code issues; and heard and followed up on Greenbrier River Trail complaints; Broadband Zoom and Sharc zoom meeting, Monday Lick program discussions; communicated and coordinated with volunteers on Discovery Junction garden cleanup; attended a Housing Task Force meeting. Communicated with CWPO on EPA’s Compliance Advisor program; met with the contractor at the Greenbrier Hill water tank for a plan to complete Overlook Trail project. Forgot the Auditor Training in Beckley. Did I mention tree-trimming and cutting of problem trees?
Mon Forest Town Partnership Executive Board via zoom, to prep for the November 6 Capital Christmas Tree visit; Special Day Report Meeting; represented Mon-Forest Town Partnership at presentation to Dur-bin Town Council; traveled to Richwood for MFT Quarterly Board meeting, followed by a tour of new businesses in Richwood. The recreation economy is working throughout the region.
The Mountain Transit Authority coordinated bus shuttles for the Monday Lick Ribbon Cutting event. I inspected trail work around the Greenbrier Hill water tank. Another contractor has worked on the municipal building doing follow-up roof work. A USDA Rural Tourism webinar and other routine activities have been a part of October activity.
A meeting with Mon-Power lighting designer will have to be rescheduled due to an unforeseen emergency.