This week, I want to bring attention to the newly painted stop-sign posts, street signposts, Main Street planters and flower boxes. You probably noticed a couple of familiar faces who, over the years, have volunteered more hours than some people work. I don’t know how they do it, but give them a gallon of paint and brushes and stand back.
The difference is subtle and yet dramatic. Subtle in the sense, if you had not seen the before and after, you may not recognize the amazing difference. Residents and others that frequent the Town have seen and have asked who the painters are, and how has this work been accomplished in the last two to three weeks.
So, I want to introduce a unique couple that needs no introduction. Roy Lee and Susie Landis married and set-up housekeeping on Browns Mountain more than 50 years ago. After they painted everything around their home, they mowed both sides of the county road down the mountain to Rt. 39, and painted signs there. Over the years, they’ve painted and mowed their way from the Virginia state line to the Minnehaha Springs intersection to Devils Backbone. You may have noticed the flagpole and mown grass there. They did that.
The family cemetery on Browns Mountain has a bright white painted fence, paved driveway, and manicured lawn as if a separate crew was taking care of it. They did that.
With second coats on everything at home, Roy and Susie moved on to Huntersville and mowed and painted all around the town as well as the Huntersville UM Church where they attend. Maybe you have noticed the Mustard-Seed Ranch, on the right after you turn onto Beaver Creek Road. They did that.
Roy and Susie have mowed up Browns Creek to family property where another three or four acres are kept and give the appearance that you are on a golf-course somewhere. They did that.
If you have wondered who has cleaned up and mowed around the parking area at the bridge at the junction Rts. 28 & 39 – they did that. It must have been there that they decided to move on to Marlinton. (As far as I know, any mowing between the bridge and Marlinton…the DOH did that). When they arrived at Parrish Street, on the east end of Town, the white paint and brushes came out again. From Hamilton Hill down into Town, any new white post that you see – they did that.
Having mowed and painted their way to Main Street Marlinton, they began at the Greenbrier River Trail and painted the flower boxes and eight of the 10 sidewalk planters, from there to Second Avenue. Friday evening and early rain made completing the last two at First Avenue impossible. So, when weather permits, and you see that the planters are finished, you will know that they did that.
I would not be surprised if another decision is made when they get to the end of the bridge – Richwood or Elkins?
On a personal note, when the flowers begin growing out the top of the newly painted planters, it is going to make the colors pop. Then, when we are certain the late frosts are behind us and the hanging plants go up, it will have been worth it all. Our Town crew will have done that.