This Mayor’s Corner includes some highlights and activities for the month of November.
Following the retirement of Mark Riggsby at the end of October, Sam Dunn winterized Discovery Junction before being promoted to Chief Water-Plant Operator (CWPO), effective the first day of November.
The Greenbrier Conservation Agency is tasked with regular inspections of Smith Lake. I joined representatives during a recent inspection of the lake and spillway. All were found in good condition. Since that time, a large willow tree on Marlin Run near the Eighth Avenue bridge has been removed.
FYI: the tree was 23’ 6” in diameter and could have caused a lot of damage if it fell.
Pocahontas County Sheriff’s Deputy Shane Peacock is assisting the Town by covering part-time police duties.
The Regional Optical Communications group is now a 19-county membership devoted to promoting the advancement of Broadband throughout our respective region and state.
The VISTA Application for Marlinton’s Recreation Economy Coordinator (REC) has been submitted. Persons interested in this VISTA position with the Town of Marlinton should note that this position will be advertised in early spring 2022.
The 2021 Marlinton Christmas Parade is set for 7 p.m. Friday, December 3.