Settlers in Pocahontas County before 1800
The Pocahontas Times
A special committee of the Pocahontas County Historical Society is completing the final work necessary to locate the cabin sites of the pioneers living in Pocahontas County before the year 1800. A number of cabin sites have been found, but there are still a large number of sites which have not been located…
The cabin sites of those names marked with an asterisk (*) have already been located.
Buckeye – Marlinton – Knapps Creek Area
Alderman, Ezekial; Auld-ridge, William, Sr.; Baxter, John; Baker, Henry; Bradshaw, John; Bridger, James; Bridger, John; Brown, Jo-seph; Brown, Josiah; *Buckley, Joshua; Cleek, Michael; Daugherty, Michael; Drinnon, Charles; *Drinnon, Lawrence; *Drinnon, Tho-mas; Ewing, John; Ewing, William; Friel, Jeremiah; *Galford, Thomas, Sr.; *Gay, Robert; Gregory, Knapp; Grimes, Felix; Holcomb, Timothy; Johnson, John; Kee, George; *Lightner, Peter; Marlin, Jacob; Matthews, Sampson; McCarty, Timothy; McCollum, William; McNeil, Thomas; Moore, Aaron; Moore, James; Moore, John; Moore, Joseph; Moore, Levi, Sr.; *Moore, Moses; Moore, Robert; Moore, William; Poage, James; *Sewall, Stephen; Sharp, John; Sharp, William, Sr.; Slator, Patrick; Smith, John; Wanless, Will-iam; Webb, John; Waugh, James; Waugh, Samuel; Young, William.
Indian Forts
*Drinnon Fort; *Greenbrier Fort.
Hillsboro-Mill Point Area
Beard, Josiah; Brinnell, James; Burgess, Nathan; Burgess, John, Jr.; Burnsides, John; Burnsides, James; Cackley, Valentine; *Callison, James; Clendennin, William; Clendenning, Charles; Cochran, John; Cochran, Thomas; Day, Da-vid; Day, John; Day, Nathan-iel; David, Thomas; Davis, John; Dick, John; Edminston, William; Evans, Griffith; Gilliland, Samuel; Gill- ion, Nathan; Hannah, David, Sr.; Harper, Henry; Hill, John; *Hill, Richard; Hughes, Ellis; James, David; Jordan, John; *Kinnison, Charles; Kinnison, David; Kinnison, Edward; Kinnison, Jacob; Lewis, James; Mayse, William; McGennis, John; McNeel, Abraham; McNeel, Isaac; *McNeel, John; McNeil, Johathan; Naylor; Oldham; Pennell, John; Poage, John; *Poage, William; Salisbury, William; Scott, Thomas; Seybert, Jacob; Switzer, John; Waddell, Alexander; Waddell, William.
Indian Forts
Fort Austin, Fort Burnside, Fort Clendenen, *Fort Day (Fort Buckley), Fort Ellis.
Dunmore– Green Bank – Bartow Area
Arbogast, Adam; *Bible, Jacob; *Burner, Abram; *Collins, John; *Conrad, John H.; *Cooper, James; Gillispie, Jacob; Griffin, Benona; Higgins, William; Hartman, Godlip; Ingraham, Abraham; Ingraham, Peter; Jarvis, Thomas; Kerney, James; *Kerr, Daniel; McCartee, James; McKamey, James; *Nottingham, Will-iam, Sr.; Rucker, James; Rucker, James, Jr.; Sitlington, Robert; *Slaven, John; Sloan; *Sutton, John, Sr.; Tallman, James; Tallman, Samuel; Taylor, William; Warwick, Andrew; Warwick, Jacob; *Warwick, John; Warwick, John, Jr.; Warwick, William; *Wooddell, Joseph; Wooddell, Thomas; *Yeager, John.
Indian Forts
Mouth of Deer Creek Fort, Joseph Wooddell Fort, Warwick Fort at Clover Lick, Warwick Fort at Dunmore,*Warwick Fort at Green Bank.