Thursday, July 21, 1921
I will arise and go now – go to White Sulphur Springs,
And stay there till my money in my lean, flat wallet fails.
And I will have some golf there, for golf is the sport of kings,
And this same course has harbored the well known Prince of Wales,
And presidents have played there and followed the bounding sphere,
And enjoyed the golf and the water, the grub and the atmosphere.
The annual State Golf Tournament being set for White Sulphur Springs beginning on the 12th of this month, we gathered up our spillikins and hit the road for the meeting place. It has got to be a sort of habit to go to this meeting with John A. McLaughlin and, so as the years go by, we take a little of our hard earned savings and blow it on a week of golf. It is such a surprising thing that there is a branch of athletics open to the aged, that we feel that it would be too bad not to take advantage of the opportunity…
It has been pretty dry at the White. The grass was badly burned in spite of the lavish use of water. There was a sort of conflict of desires in regard to the question of rain for all over the State this has been a dry summer and the people have been praying for rain. It has been a season of gentle showers that have been sufficient to keep the crops in fair condition, but it has been so near a drought that man has been made to realize his helplessness.
Like the mountain preacher in The Little Shepherd of Kingdom Come, it has become the custom to pray for rain:
“O, Lord, we do not presume to dictate to thee, but we need rain and need it mighty bad. We do not presume to dictate, but if it pleases Thee, send us, not a gentle sizzle-sozzle, but a sod-soaker, O, Lord, a gully-washer. Give us a tide, O Lord…”
We never know how to write about golf as it is not a universal game as yet, and it has a language all its own and words that become familiar to the addict may require a dictionary meaning to the uninitiated.
Thus the reader might have trouble interpreting such statements as the following:
Shedding his wammus with one convulsive shake, Gerald seized his noblock and taking his stance upon the follow through, cried out, “Score.” With one eye on the ball and the other on the flag, he heaved and struck, and the mighty Iron descending drove the bunker through the hazard. But the master mind of the Scotch pro was not greatly affected by the effort. His grudging admiration contented itself with half praise: “Hooch, mon, ye’re a ‘tee’d up.” And even while he spoke, the noble youth collapsed upon the mound.
“All bare and exposed to the midnight dews,
Reclined on a bunker we found him
He looked like a gentleman taking a snooze
With a moonshine smell around him.”
If so, why are they not enforced to the extent that there are not horses, cows, calves, sheep and hogs running in the road at all times?
It is really dangerous to auto travelers as one can never tell when any of the above named stock is going to start, turn or stop. Sometimes horses will run in front of a car for half a mile throwing mud and dirt.
Let us look at it in this way. Suppose all the farmers and folks that own a horse down to a pig turn them at large in the road, how would this be? And yet, if it is a law and fair for one it is for all. And stock at large is continually tramping down the banks along fences soon letting them slide into the road or side ditch. This is one thing that surely should be amended on.
Let us hear from others.
A taxpayer in
Little Levels District
Wheat harvest is about over and the yield will not be more than half a crop. Corn is looking fine, but is needing rain very bad; hay will make about one half a crop.
Mrs. Gay Campbell is visiting at Dunmore this week.
T. M. Gum and Austin Little have bought a tractor. They are going to do the threshing in the community.
We learn that the Board of Education of Huntersville District has thrown the Bethel, Thorny Creek and Mt. Zion schools into one, making Mt. Zion the center point for the other two schools to attend, and will build a two room school house at Mt. Zion. The board will furnish transportation for the ones who live at a distance.
Everett Dilley has commenced work on his new house.
A.J. Dilley has purchased a sawmill and is doing quite a bit of sawing.
Mrs. John H. Shrader and her little granddaughter, Wilma Dilley, were visiting her daughter, Mrs. Willie Grimes, at Raywood, last week.
Fine rains through this section has revived everything, and our people are going forward with renewed energy.
Our people are in the midst of haymaking. On account of the recent rains it is rather difficult harvesting.
W. D. Burgess had the misfortune to fall out of his barn loft and almost dislocated his knee. At the same time, one of his little children fell out and broke an arm.
Daniel and Charles Carpenter, of Beaver Dam, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. G. A. McNeill this week.