Dear Editor;
Kudos to The Pocahontas Times for running the front-page article “Bankruptcy, blackouts and broken broadband promises.” (September 24, 2020) This scathing article was written by Lucas Manfield, a reporter at Mountain State Spotlight. Thank you, Lucas.
We’ve all known how utterly worthless Frontier is when it comes to any service they offer. Many, myself included, have switched to other providers but reading the article brought home just how corrupt Frontier is.
Frontier is taking grants provided by government agencies to build high-speed internet in West Virginia. The sums are mind-boggling, considering they haven’t performed on their promise. They take the money, but we get nothing in return. It smacks of fraud (or worse), and still, Frontier stands in line with their hands out, waiting for more money they will not use for the intended purpose, hi-speed internet everywhere in West Virginia.
Shame on them for stealing from us. Shame on our elected officials if they let them continue to steal from us. Frontier is not going to survive, but before they go down, they will continue to pay their executives ridiculous salaries and bonuses, using the money given to them by taxpayers.
That’s us, folks.
Joel Srodes