Thursday, April 29, 1920
It turned out to be a pretty fair sugar year after all, and a lot of sugar was turned into the market at the popular price of fifty cents a pound. In the old days, the prevailing price was ten cents a pound and then the market got a little dull and it dropped to eight cents, but that discouraged the producers. The only other time that tree sugar brought fifty cents a pound was in the sixties and then they paid for it in Confederate money…
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Hull Kramer has opened a quarry at Edray and is rapidly getting out limestone to be used in rebuilding the Campbelltown road. This road is to be resurfaced with an asphalt macadam, the asphalt for the purpose was unloaded at Marlinton Tuesday. The stone is being gotten out at a fine location near the road on the William Baxter place, Mr. Baxter donating the stone free of cost to the county in the interest of good road building.
The Sparks World Famous Shows will exhibit at Marlinton Friday, May 7th, giving two performances and inaugurating its appearance with a splendid parade over a mile in length…
Since the last visit of the circus, it has nearly doubled in size and this season finds it among the largest of tented exhibitions.
The Sparks Circus has always been noted for its fine display of horses and this season tango and shimmay dancing horses are to be seen in the equine numbers which include “Caesar,” Champion high jumping horse of the world, as well as three groups of marblesque statute horses and collie dogs, in lifelike portrayal of the works of noted sculptors. Other prominent features this year are the Harrison bears, whose grotesque maneuvers range from the riding of bicycles, to the more modest playing of musical instruments.
Then there are the two herds of elephants including “Big Zulu” the skyscraper elephant and each herd worked entirely by lady trainers. Incidentally there will be many big arenic acts, and the clowns – forty of them – will be on hand to extract the laughs from you…
We tingle with pride over our mighty achievement in crowning the Great War with victory. Because all America was working with a common good will, we created out of raw material an army of 4,000,000 men, equipped them and sent them over seas at the rate of 300,000 a month; we raised sums of money beyond imagination; we saved voluntarily from our own tables the food which kept France, Great Britain, Italy and Belgium from starvation.
Could we have done that if we had barred all reference to Germany from polite society? If we had mentioned the atrocities in Belgium and northern France only in shamed faced whispers? If our newspapers had refused to print the name of the Kaiser?
The leaders in the fight against venereal disease have taken some of the organized, self-sacrificing enthusiasm which won for us the late war. That enthusiasm cannot live in a democracy like ours without open, high minded discussion.
Tuberculosis, cancer and syphilis kill three-tenths of all the people who die in the United States. The U. S. Public Health Service is making a vigorous and open fight against these diseases. – U. S. Public Health Service
Tom Smith is agent for the Idea Manure Spreader. He sold a spreader to Elick McNeel.
John A. Hill is doing some farming for Tom Beard.
Alex Long has moved to the George Beard place which he recently purchased.
We understand Kingsley & Hannah have sold their fine farm – the Tom Sydenstricker property – to S. B. Wallace, of Marlinton, for $30,000. This is a fine farm and we welcome Mr. Wallace in our neighborhood.
Anyone having potatoes to sell should bring them to Hillsboro and get a fancy price for them.
Wednesday, April 21, was the 50th anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McNeill, of Swago. The occasion could not be passed without notice, and a lot of their friends and relations gathered at the home. Incidentally, there were a lot of good things to eat.
Among those present were Rev. and Mrs. D. S. Boggs, of Parsons; Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Yeager; Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Ward; Mr. and Mrs. Harper Adkinson; Mr. and Mrs. R. S. McNeill; Mrs. A. S. Overholt, and son, Earl; Mrs. O. H. Kee; Mrs. Marion Shomo, of Cumberland; Mrs. Charles McNeel; Mrs. Joe Pennell; Misses Gertrude Overholt, Fannie Golden, and Mildred Yeager; G. D. McNeill and children, Ward, Elizabeth, James and Louise; E. G. McNeill, Porter Kellison, John and Bennet McNeill, Paul Overholt and Homer McNeill.
As we go to press, the word comes of the death of Mrs. Lanty J. Moore, which occurred at her home at Edray, Wednesday night, April 28, 1920. She is survived by her husband and seven small children, the youngest a babe of a few hours old. She was a daughter of the late Jacob Smith, of Edray.