Thursday, November 19, 1914
On last Saturday a party of hunters found the freshly killed carcass of a fine young cow elk near Minnehaha Springs. The hind quarters had been skinned out and carried way, and the rest of the meat and the hide left to spoil in the woods. Efforts will be made to run down and convict the perpetrators. There is no open season for elk, and the killing of one is a penitentiary offense.
Robert Burns was killed at Stony Bottom last Friday by being run over by a through freight. He had attempted to board the train as it passed him at a high rate of speed, and his foot slipping, he was thrown under the train and cut to pieces. The deceased was 24 years of age, a native of Highland county and the son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Burns. He is survived by his wife, whom he married but three weeks ago. His body was taken to the family graveyard at Bolar for burial.
Into the Davis Child Shelter at Charleston have been gathered 785 homeless little ones in whose behalf we make this earnest appeal for Thanksgiving offering. We need to accumulate a surplus fund for winter supplies and to carry the Child Rescue work far into the new year. We would like to give an extended account of what the rescue of these 785 homeless orphans means to the State, society and especially to themselves, but space will not allow…
On last Thursday a bulldog belonging to Paul Yeager was thought to be mad. The dog was killed and its head sent to the Pasteur Institute at Baltimore for examination. it was pronoun- ced a genuine case of rabies, and all members of Mr. Yeager’s family who had anything to do with the dog are taking treatment for the prevention of hydrophobia… Mr. Yeager’s dog was brought here from Pittsville, Virginia, a few weeks ago. Just before leaving that town there was a mad dog scare, a mad dog having run through the town and since then a number of dogs and other animals have gone mad there.
We had a fine rain last Saturday night and Sunday morning; but there is not enough water for Mr. Patterson to grind, so we have to take our grain to Dunmore to get it ground.
Roy Shears has been laid up the past week or so with a sore leg but is able to get about some by using a crutch.
Mr. Hamed is buying turkeys this week, for which he is paying 16 cents per pound.
The badly needed rain came Sunday.
Corn shucking is in full blast.
The election has come and gone and the voters have gone to work until 1916 when they will get busy. The writer of this short letter has not any regret as to Mr. Littlepage’s election. He stood for the Union soldiers in the contest for an increase of pensions.
The large sawmill at east Buckeye will be ready for sawing in a short time.
Mrs. Lucy Armstrong is quite poorly. Mrs. Winters McNeill is some better. D. A. McNeill is confined to his bed with kidney trouble.
A vacant house belonging to Jim Hannah on the mountain was burned down last Tuesday night. It is supposed some one set it on fire.
The weather is quite frosty.
Some complaint of colds among the people.
Lumbering is going on about as usual.
The meeting at Slaty Fork has closed with some evidence of good being done but the evil was an almost predominating feature.
Dr. Smith was called to this place to try to save the life of a valuable young horse but burnt brandy won’t save under such conditions.
Miss Mary Hannah is teaching at Slaty Fork; Jesse Hannah at Pleasant Valley, and George Bright wields the birch at Upper Elk.
Jesse Warwick, the fire warden, has been very busy in this section for the past few days, fighting fires which have been raging.
Albert Perry and Simpson Gragg took a coon hunt a few nights ago which wound up in a wild cat chase which lasted about four hours in hot pursuit.
Cam and Lawrence McLaughlin are hauling hay from the McCutcheon farm to Cloverlick this week.
Charles Sharp, while on his way to his brother Edgar Sharp’s one night last week on his wheel when very suddenly a large deer sprang from the brush near the roadside, knocking him from his wheel and ran over him. Mr. Sharp was slightly injured but badly frightened. He thinks it is not safe to bicycle ride after night until the hunting season is over.
Mr. and Mrs. Denny M. Callison returned Sunday night from their honeymoon trip, having visited many points of interest on the Great Lakes. They will reside at “Trump Valley Farm” near Beard, Pocahontas county. – West Virginia News
Cyrus Colaw, of Highland county, celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of his birth on November 6th. He was the son of George Colaw, a native of Pennsylvania, who came to the Crabbottom in 1811. His grandfather was one of three brothers who came with the Hessian soldiers hired by the British government to subdue the American colonies. For his time, Mr. Colaw received a fair education and for eight years taught school. Then he made the longest journey of his life, a horseback ride to the state of Ohio. Fifty-two years ago, at the mature age of forty-eight, Mr. Colaw married Lucinda White, who is fifteen years his junior and continues by his side, his helpmate and companion. He remembers Old Hickory as the first President to make a lasting impression on his mind, and was old enough to have voted for President Van Buren, but was not eligible, not being a free holder at that time. Mr. Colaw has never ridden on a train and took his first automobile ride in 1913… Mr. Colaw is the fourth Highlander to celebrate his hundredth birthday in recent years, the others being Godheb Hinegardner, Thomas Sorrel and Mrs. Corbett, all of the Jackson River Valley. Mr Colaw’s birthday party there were present five octogenarians. One of the reminiscences recalled by Mr. Colaw was that his mother told hi that the day he was born the country was in the grasp of a severe snow storm.