Jason Bauserman
Contributing Writer
Durbin Town Council held a very long meeting – 6:30 to 10:00 p.m. – August 13.
Region IV Planning Director John Tuggle, who was in attendance to discuss the proposed sewer project, introduced himself to the new members of the council.
“This has been a long process, but it is a lot closer than it used to be,” Tuggle said.
He told council that he would like to extend the sewer project to include Frank and Bartow.
Those two towns have had water service for 35 years, but have had no sewage hookups like those in Durbin. Tuggle told council they were very fortunate to receive United States Department of Agriculture grants at a high level several years ago compared to present USDA grants.
Attorney Bob Martin was also at the meeting and he signed a contract with the Town of Durbin for legal fees. Martin told the council that he would charge just 50 percent of his hourly rate.
He also advised council that 80 percent of the sewer rights-of-way on private property have been signed.
Mayor Mike Vance claimed that two sewage spills hit the river because of pump and sewage problems.
Trista and Richie Bennett, coordinators of Durbin Days Heritage Festival, said they felt the festival was very successful. Trista said DDHF had to pay the carnival about $3,100 to meet the $10,000 minimum on the contract.
After expenses DDHF has $3,000, according to Trista.
The Bennetts said they would like to serve as coordinators for next year’s festival. Council unanimously approved their appointment, and commended them for doing an excellent job.
Council discussed the possibility of hiring an outside contractor to mow the town’s cemetery. Martin was emphatic that the town should continue doing that job, saying there were too many liabilities with outside help. Council agreed.
Mayor Vance called council into executive session for an “employee update.” The session lasted a full hour, and no decisions were made.
In the public comment portion of the meeting, Jason Bauserman reported that two new United States Forest Service signs at the West Fork Trailhead had been torn off their bolts from a 4×4 post. The signs were taken to Durbin Town Hall and placed in the garage.
Council gave Bauserman permission to return the signs to the Bartow Forest Service Office. U.S. Forest Ranger Jack Tribble lamented that this was the second time these two signs have been tampered with.
The next regular Durbin Town Council meeting will be Tuesday, September 12.