Thursday, January 31, 1918
The ice went out on the night of the 28th, bearing out the tradition that there is always a January thaw. It went out in three main gorges. One from Denmar down. One from Marlinton. The other from the headwaters of the Gay eddy. The main running took place for several hours after dark. No damage done on the Greenbrier that we have heard. Knapps Creek refused to perform. Laid down on the crowd like a dog. We have seen the time however, that Knapps Creek flung its ice all over the bottom. Over the State about a million dollars is the estimate of damage done by the ice. The town of Logan, a city about the size of Marlinton, lost its power plant and is now in darkness. Probably trying the plan of water power to generate electric light and got in the way of the ice.
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In the wintertime the mush-ice forms on the rocks beneath the tide;
And the force of the current takes it, riding full from side to side;
The present winter grew so cold in the days of the failing sun,
That frozen fast to the bottom, the mush-ice did not run;
The flow looked black and sullen through the thick of the murk and haze,
Till the river froze up solid, in the bitter nights and days;
And the noiseless snow from heaven, covered it out of sight;
The place of the river was a part of the wide far reaching white.
The gray-haired river man shakes his head, for he knows the time is nigh,
When grinding like the Mills of God, the great ice gorge goes by;
Many a time, I have lain in bed, and heard the crunch and roar,
Of moving ice jammed in and packed, high piled from shore to shore;
A hundred miles of three-foot ice, smashing and breaking free,
A mighty river’s travail is a fearful thing to see.
In the summer at the water’s edge, the idlers in the shade,
Languid will note, high on the trees, the scars the ice has made.
We are having warmer weather at present; the thermometer registers about 17 degrees below zero.
The roller mill has been shut down for several days on account of repairs. It is now doing a rushing business. If you want a good buckwheat cake these cold mornings, get the flour at this mill.
Carlon Pritchard gave the school children a nice sled ride which was enjoyed by all.
Several cases of measles in the family of Garfield Grimes.
Mr. and Mrs. S. R. Pritchard, Mr. and Mrs. June McElwee and Mr. and Mrs. Walton Bell entertained delightfully quite a lot of their friends this past week. The evenings were spent enjoyably in playing games and knitting sweaters for our soldier boys.
A large crowd from Dunmore had planned to go to Raywood to the supper to be given for the Red Cross on last Saturday night, but owing to bad weather had to give it up. All were disappointed.
A heavy sleet fell Sunday night, making the roads very bad for traveling.
Although the snow was very deep, a party of young people greatly enjoyed a horseback ride Sunday. They made very good speed until they came to Dry Branch river, where on account of local rains and thaws, they had considerable trouble in crossing.
Harvey Doyle and Emmett Sharp have spent considerable time in hunting. We understand they have gained both dollars and scents.
A cat was the cause of a horse on which a lady was riding, being badly scared. The presence of mind of her husband was all that prevented a serious accident.
We are having very severe winter weather in this section of the county.
Feed is getting very scarce with some. Stock that has been looked after is wintering up nicely.
Adam Hevener has received a pair of registered thoroughbred Poland China hogs from the Big 4 Stock farm at Sycamore, Ohio.
The snow is drifted very badly on the Mountain road beyond F. K. Moore’s. It is almost impossible to ride horseback through it.
Earl Wenger, of Arbovale, is head sawyer for French Gragg on his big sawmill.
Garfield Day today, and tomorrow we have to Hooverize. It goes hard with us, but hope it will be best for us when we get used to it.
A car load of coal came to Durbin Saturday and greatly relieved the coal famine.
Cecil Curtis came to town last week on business. He said that eight miles in 30 inches of snow was good for a man if he could stand it. We are always glad to see Cecil.
The weather is some better. The health of the people of the community is generally good. Stock wintering finely. Feed is scarce.
John Moss is recovering slowly from an attack of pneumonia.
Our school is progressing nicely under the care of G. D. McNeill and Miss Pearl Carter.
Chas. Young is getting out logs for a saw-set. Before the river broke up, he was skidding on the ice.