November 1, 1917
We have a very live woman’s literary club in this town. The men do not have one. They say that both man and woman sprang from the Simians, but that the women sprang farther than the men, a sentiment that we subscribe to. This literary society at its meeting requires a quotation by each member from some of the major poets, the penalty for failure to comply is the considerable fine of five cents. That is some sum in these days.
You would be surprised to find how hard it is to get the kind of a quotation that certain people will accept for this ordeal. Some are too stale and well known; some are too long; some seem to have too obscure a meaning. The other day herself was getting ready to go to one of the meetings, and required fine raiment and one quotation. So we set to work to find the quotation as our contribution to the sum of the knowledge of the world. It was one of those evenings last week when the electric light was shining but dimly, and it was dark and rainy. We finally decided on the following from Pope:
“Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,
Much fruit of sense beneath is rarely found.”
This sort of struck the crazy bone for we had just been playing golf and trying to find lost golf balls in the autumn leaves. But the quotation for some reason did not prove to be acceptable. We argued and argued and almost fought, but it was no good and about that time the light went out and the hunt for the old, abominable, smelly kerosene lamps ensued – that is enough to knock all poetry galley-west. We made one more concession however, and offered to modify and amend as follows:
“Words are like leaves; and where they most abound,
Look out for nuts, they’re sure to be around;
Lo, the poor Idiot! Whose untutored mood,
Makes him but fit for cultured squirrel food.”
She wanted something simple, not simple minded. We thought ours had the stately sound of Pope brought up to date by the use of findersickle.
After the meeting was over, five cents came up missing in the audit, and we learned that the family exchequer had suffered to that amount because the better half was not prepared. Moved with righteous indignation we demanded to know why she had not responded with some verse like, “Twinkle, twinkle, little star,” or words to that effect, and the only satisfactory answer that was made to that was that the club had bought a Liberty Bond…and that covers a multitude of sins.
Captain C. B. Swecker died at his home at Dunmore Monday noon, October 29, 1917. His death came rather unexpectedly although he had been in failing health for nearly a year. He was about 67 years of age. Burial at the Dunmore graveyard.
Captain Swecker is survived by his wife, and his son by a former marriage, Rev. K. D. Swecker, now stationed in Greenbrier county.
Pocahontas county had no citizen more widely known than Captain Swecker. For forty years he had been a resident of the county and taken a prominent part in public affairs. As an auctioneer his reputation was state wide. From its first issue, he had been a writer for The Pocahontas Times, and in the last paper before his death was a letter he had written. Whole souled and hearty, he made friends and kept them.
Peace to his ashes.
The usual sending away ceremonies were held Tuesday afternoon, as men assembled at the court house to receive their instructions from the local board. Comfort kits were presented by Miss Lucille McClintic for the local Red Cross, and Testaments by Miss Mary McClintic from the Ladies of Pocahontas. Lunches were also furnished for the men.
Addresses were made by Senator McNeel and Judge Sharp. Music was furnished by Anderson’s Band. A reception was tendered the troops at the home of John C. Gilmore on Monday night. At Ronceverte they were entertained until the train came. The train consisted of fourteen cars…
Those from Pocahontas are:
John Hunter, Durbin
Robert Bolden, Cass
Guy Stewart, Marlinton
Rube Jackson, Marlinton
Wm. Hiter Cashwell, Marlinton
Wm. Walter Cashwell, Marlinton
John Callen, Spruce
Claude L. Burrell, Spruce
Harry Sink, Marlinton
The home of Mrs. Sarah E. McClure near Onoto was burned on Monday of this week. Also the nearby house occupied by Noah Bright caught from the other building and was burned. Both houses and their contents were destroyed. One very considerable item of loss was several hundred dollars in money belonging to Mrs. McClure.
Some months ago George Simmons was working the Beaver Dam road, and in the McNeel place he dug up an old time brush axe. No one of this generation had seen its like, but Mr. Simmons knew it from the description he remembered his father had given him of the implement he had cut brush with in his youth. The only thing that we think it is like is a battle axe set at an angle, the lower part of the axe coming back to the handle. It is in a good state of preservation and it is on exhibition at this office. We imagine it to have been a very effective implement in the hands of an expert axeman.
The first meeting of Levels District reading circle was attended by twelve teachers. We hope to have a larger attendance at our second meeting November 10. Try to be prompt. Two o’clock is the hour to begin. Only two or three were on time at the last meeting.
Our study for this meeting is chapter 10 – 15 of Kirkpatrick’s “The Rural School from Within.”
The following topics will be discussed:
The rowdy element in the rural community – Giles S. McKeever.
“Backfiring” as a means of discipline – Ulric W. Grimes
The treatment of boys as compared with that of girls – J. B. Grimes…
This community was visited last Saturday by a heavy electric storm and rain.
This town was shocked on last Monday morning when the word was flashed over the wires that Capt. C. B. Swecker, of Dunmore, was dead. Our sympathy goes out to the bereaved wife and son, Rev. K. D. Swecker, in this dark hour.
Married October 24,1917, at 12 o’clock, at the home of the bride, Miss Boon Moomau to Rev. H. H. Leach, of McMinnville, Tenn. Rev. J. C. Johnson, of Hillsboro, officiating minister. After a sumptuous dinner, the bridal party motored to Cass where they took the train for the town of Alderson where a bountiful supper awaited them…
The high school is moving out very encouragingly with over 100 in the grades and 36 in high school…