Thursday, August 2, 1917
In regard to planting by the moon, a correspondent, writing from a city club in Washington, criticizes our pro- position to prepare a farmer’s calendar based upon the lunar month as compared to the solar month so that the very common error of planting too early might be avoided. He said that he never knew but one man to plant by the moon and he was a notoriously bad farmer. There are all kinds of ways to plant to the moon, most of which are confined to the signs of the zodiac. He must have been raised among a peculiar ungodly kind of farmers if he does not know that if you plant when the sign is in the neck, a disaster is sure to follow…
Anyone who has ever seen the great ocean rise and who believes that it is the power of the moon that plucks the waters from the vast deep and sends it flooding the land for miles in the great tides will never belittle the power of the moon over the elements. What we propose to do about the planting calendar is scientific and sound. We are too apt to think one May day being like the May day of the year before, when as a matter of fact, there may be several weeks difference in the radiation of the two days. In the solar calendar the first day of May is exactly the same number of days from the first of January each year. Our calendar would fix May day according to the weather and would indicate the date on which ordinary May day weather might be expected and our May day might fall anywhere from April twentieth to May the tenth. And May day on our calendar would mean the day to plant corn and for that reason we would want to be called early.
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Each county in the United States is now sending out its quota of young men to constitute the finest and most effective army that was ever gathered together in the history of the world. The United States having made a success of her experiment in democracy, became so powerful and so well poised, and so advantageously placid that when the world went wrong the whole world looked to the United States to right the wrong and put things back into their proper places again. America saw her duty and took her position as a warring nation calmly and confidently. Raising an army was an important part of the new work thrust upon America…
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The Irish are holding a meeting at Dublin to decide, if they can, what kind of a government they want. It looks like they might get together on a plan such as the Dominion of Canada has. It is understood that England will let them have Home Rule if the Irish can agree on the details. The trouble about the Irishman is that too often they are against all government. In Londonderry, not long since, they fined Felix Mulhulland twenty shillings for cursing the Pope, the Police, the Army, the Navy, the buckles on Constable Kelly’s coat, the Ancient Order of Hibernians and the Knights of Columbus. Felix considered that he had got his money’s worth.
Town election was held Monday to pass upon the question of issuing bonds to the amount of $20,000 for the purpose of buying the light and water plant. Only 117 votes were cast. The bond issue carried almost unanimously, the vote being 107 for and 10 against.
Everything is growing fine – a little hard on cut wheat. Wheat is very good.
T. M. Gum is fixing to thresh.
Cam Arbogast has bought a farm in Greenbrier county, and is moving there to put up his hay.
Jesse Orndorff sold his sawmill to W. R. Moore at Stony Bottom.
Work has commenced on the new road from Sitlington to Raywood.
Win McElwee has bought the Galford boys’ timber.
Quite a good many people were disappointed about the expected dinner on the ground at Mt. Zion Sunday.
J. R. Gum found a dry land terrapin that was marked “W. H. 1837.” Can any reader of The Times tell who this is? Also tell us to what age these animals live.
Wanted. 50 school teachers in the Greenbank district this year.
I think if all the Christians in the United States would go to God in earnest repentance and ask Him for his assistance in the great world war, there would not be a dear drafted boy have to go to France to fight and die.
William, John and Levi Gay are done harvesting wheat and report a good crop.
Wallace Dilley is building an up-to-date barn. Preston Baxter is doing the carpenter work.
The general health of the people is good except for a whooping cough scare.
Every one of us is patriotic and we are doing our “bit.”
Miss Elizabeth Price McLaughlin returned last week from a visit among her kin in Greenbrier county.
Miss Lyda McNeel is spending some time in Ronceverte with her aunt Mrs. French Nickell.
Wheat harvest is now on. There will not be a full crop on account of late freezing and dry weather. Good prospect for oats and corn is coming on fine since the rain.
A number of guests are at the Club now and more expected this week. About ten persons came up from Marlinton Saturday to supper and to have a good time.
A number of people came here to try the healing waters of the spring.