Thursday, February 15, 1917
Judge Dice came here last Thursday and held a special term of court. An application for a change of venue to some other county was asked in the case of the State vs O. A. Howard and affidavits filed to support the motion. Copies of all papers not having been given to the prosecuting attorney, the motion was continued to the special term to be held March 12…
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Ligon Price was in town Monday night on his return from the Levels where he purchased a registered Hereford bull from the herd of J. S. McNeel.
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The Peoples Store and Supply Company is preparing to put in a flouring mill at their store at the west end of the bridge. They will erect a building 24 x 70 feet, three stories and a basement. Work will begin as soon as weather conditions permit.
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Mr. J. Marvin Gillispie, of Cass, came down this morning enroute to White Sulphur Springs to visit his parents. He has just received the sad news of the death of his sister, Mrs. T. L. Hansberger, which occurred in China on January 9th. Mrs. Hansberger was engaged in missionary work of the Presbyterian church and had been in China for four years or more. Mr. Gillispie does not think it possible to have the remains brought home and goes to White Sulphur Springs to comfort his parent in their sad bereavement.
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Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Sharp delightfully entertained at their home on Lower Camden Avenue, a number of their friends on Friday evening February 9, 1917. Music and games were played until 10:30 o’clock, when refreshments, consisting of sandwiches, pickles, olives, deviled eggs and hot coffee were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Sheets, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiner, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McKelvy; Misses Mabel and Marjorie Moore, Ora East, Gladys and Fonda Donnally, Ruth Gum, Anna Gum, Pauline L. Sheets; Messrs. Charles McKelvy, Frank Echols, Paul Overholt, Dr. C. S. Kramer, Roland Williams, J. M. Bare and Harry Sharp.
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The residence of W. S. Palmer, of Douthards Creek, near Minnehaha Springs, was destroyed by fire last Friday night. The cause was a defective flue. Very little of the contents was saved.
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A house belonging to Quincy Friel, and occupied by George Defibaugh, at Clawson, burned down last Friday night.
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There is not much use arguing the question of consolidating the districts of Huntersville and Edray. It is one of those questions that must be apparent on its first mention as to its wisdom, or its folly. While most established institutions are backed by the wisdom of time, there are still a few ancient wrongs in this world and the effort to maintain the two old districts in the face of the railroad development and the building of the city of Marlinton grows worse with time. We know what we are talking about when we say that the vast majority of both districts favor the change.
Whether it comes or not at this time is a matter of considerable personal indifference as we live in the debatable territory and could be happy with either. The mischievous effort made years ago to distribute the railroad tax by dividing the railroad between the two districts resulted in some of the strangest voting precincts and school districts you ever heard of.
As to the noise that is made about the proposition, it brings to mind the old illustration that half a dozen grasshoppers under a fern made more noise than a thousand great cattle which repose under the shadows of the great oaks, and chew the cud and are silent. If anybody wants to know what the districts really think about the matter let them study the late election returns and see if they cannot find in that vote some overpowering reasons for the change. If we go on as we have been, the rupture between the people of the two districts will be serious…
Wanted, at Dunmore, a blacksmith and a doctor. Good opening.
Ellis H. Dilley was in town Monday for a load of corn and oats.
Frank McElwee died at his home in Elkins Monday. He was a brother to D. B., B. F. and Bud McElwee of this county. He leaves his wife, who was Miss Liza Arbogast of this county, and two or three children to mourn their loss.
Died, at her home near Dunmore, last Friday morning, Mrs. Dora McLaughlin, aged 68 years. She was buried Saturday beside her husband on the Williams farm. She leaves two daughters and six sons to mourn their loss. The sons – John, Henry, Cornelius, Samuel, Arch and Richard, acted as pall bearers.
The mill is running day and night now, and business is lively in town.
Things are on the move here – Mr. Higgs moved away and Henry Collins moved in.
The wind storm Sunday night blew Charlie Nottingham’s chicken house through the garden palings and killed some of his chickens.
F. K. Moore was thrown from a horse the other day and right badly hurt.
William Varner, who has been quite poorly for some time, is improving slowly.
Veo, youngest son of Mrs. Ellis Hannah, is recovering from an attack of pneumonia and pleurisy.
Born to Harry Varner and wife recently, a daughter. Both mother and child are doing well.
James Gibson and Charles McGuire have commenced a job of skidding for E. H. Williams.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Edgar on the 5th inst. a daughter.
On account of sickness E. H. Moore, M. J. McNeel and W. H. Barlow had to give up their prospective visit to Clermont, Florida, this week.
We are having straight old time winter, only no snow to amount to anything.
DeRan & Curran are boring for oil and reports say they think they will get oil and gas soon from indications. If Greenbank gets oil and gas it will not need the capital of West Virginia very badly.
Will some reader of the Times answer the following question: Does Jesus Christ or God perform miracles of healing today as he did in the time when he was on earth or not?
There is a good deal of complaining about potatoes freezing. Some people say they lost about all they had in their cellars. Not much wonder when it was 18 and 20 degrees below zero.
Claude Barkley cut his timber and is preparing to have it sawed so he can build next summer.
J. Hamed says that butter is clear out of the question, but eggs are all the go.
Hiram Wooddell went to Boyer Tuesday to lay in a supply of coal. He says this icy weather gives the blacksmith plenty of work.
Charles Cameron Burner died at his home in Durbin, January 26, 1917, aged 77 years, six months and eight days.
He was the youngest son of Geo. Burner who resided at the place now called Bartow, then known as Upper Tract, Pocahontas County, W. VA. In his father’s family were eight children, all of whom have passed away except one sister, Mrs. Isabel Slaven, of Bartow.
In May 1865, he married Elizabeth Beard, of Greenbrier county, the faithful wife who now feels the pangs of a widowed heart. Their children who survive are Harry Burner, of Bartow; Rozelle Burner, of Cheyenne, Wyo-ming; Mrs. Andrew Drexler, of Laramie, Wyoming; Mrs. P. D. Arbogast, of Morgantown; Mrs. E. E. Oldaker, of Durbin.
At the time of the Civil War he entered the Confederate army. Early in life he entered the Christian warfare and all through life his greatest aspiration was to be a faithful soldier of the cross. And in his last hours his principal theme was the glorious victory.
Upon the horizon,
Of our nation’s affairs,
A cloud is arising,
And blackness it wears:
Dire war it presages,
The whole world to shake,
O Father, dispel it
For Jesus’ dear sake.
Our sins and transgressions,
Forgive us, Oh, Lord,
And lead our hearts upward,
To Thee and Thy word:
From evil defend us,
Preserve us again,
And Thine be the glory,
Forever, Amen. – A.L.P.