Suzanne Stewart
Staff Writer
Members of the Pocahontas County High School class of 2016 were honored with awards and scholarships at the annual Senior Awards Night May 26.
Of the 63 students graduating, five were named honor graduates. Lara Baudler, Marilyn Creager, Emily Boothe, Matthew Rao, Tessa Himelrick and Audrey Lore were recognized as the top students in the class.
Lara Baudler was named valedictorian and received the $500 Pocahontas County High School Faculty and Staff Valedictorian Award.
Salutatorian Marilyn Creager was presented the W.E. “Tweard” Blackhurst Award by retired PCHS teacher Robert Sheets in honor of Blackhurst, who was a noted conservationist, author and teacher in the county.
Three seniors – Lara Baudler, Marilyn Creager and Emily Boothe – were honored for achieving a cumulative 4.0 GPA or higher.
Lara Baudler, Kenny Queen and Matthew Rao were recognized for their faithful attendance.
The Greenbrier Valley Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution presents awards to students who demonstrate good citizenship by volunteering and working to improve their communities. Rick Wooddell presented this year’s award to Tessa Himelrick.
In memory of Orr Lee McMann for his dedicated service in teaching agricultural education at Marlinton High School and PCHS, retired business teacher Linda Stewart began the Orr Lee McMann Award which is presented to an outstanding agriculture student. This year, McMann’s son, Michael, pledged $200 to the award recipient. The total $275 award was presented to Caleb Bennett by Stewart’s daughter, Suzanne.
National Radio Astronomy Observatory business manager Mike Holstine presented the 2016 Outstanding Science Student award to Lara Baudler.
Music students who participated in honor programs were recognized for their efforts. West Virginia University Honor Band: Goldie McClure and Caitlin Barnes. West Virginia University Honor Choir: Xnobia Varner and Amber Sisler. All-State Orchestra: Marilyn Creager.
Carpentry teacher Duane Gibson recognized several students for their success in SkillsUSA competitions. The Team Works team – Wesley Brown, Cade Walker, Drake Warder and Clayton Shinaberry – placed third on the state level, receiving bronze medals. Seniors Wesley Brown was the plumber of the team and Cade Walker was the electrician.
Students who are Career Technical Education Completers work with the WIN Career Readiness program. To be a completer, students must finish four courses in a particular technical program. After the WIN assessment, students are awarded a platinum, gold, silver or bronze certificate.
Platinum certificate: Tyler Mallow.
Gold certificate: Caleb Bennett, Samantha Collins and Matthew Rao.
Silver certificate: Wesley Brown, Katie Buzzard, Kailey Carpenter, Austin Cottle, Haley Duncan, Austin Ervine, Chad Friel, Gavin Gilmore, Tommy Greulick, J.D. Hensler, Roslynn McCarty, Ashlyn McKenney, Brittany McMillion, Ryan Moore, Kaila Peck, Kessler Pritt, Katlyn Ryder and Cade Walker.
Bronze certificate: Kerkland Bond, Kristi Lucabaugh and Braxton Rider.
The PCHS Warrior Horizon Award is sponsored by the guidance office and is given to students who have demonstrated hard work, determination and perseverance to succeed throughout high school. This year’s recipient was Kenny Queen.
Pocahontas County Board of Education president Emery Grimes recognized Student Representative Emily Boothe for her efforts to provide information concerning the high school to the board of education.
Governor Earl Ray Tomblin representative Lynn Phillips presented Promise Scholarships to the following students: Lara Baulder, Caleb Bennett, Emily Boothe, Marilyn Creager, Audrey Lore, Makayla Marks, Goldie McClure and Ashlyn McKenney.
The Virgil and Macel Harris Scholarship, sponsored by the Durbin Lions Club, is presented in memory of Mr. Harris who served as principal at Green Bank High School and Mrs. Harris who was a teacher in the county. The scholarship was presented to Audrey Lore by first vice president Suzanne Stewart.
The Associated Universities Scholarship, a four-year competitive scholarship totaling $3,750 is awarded to three children of employees located in the various AUI sites around the country. NRAO business manager Mike Holstine presented one of this year’s scholarships to Lara Baudler.
The EQT Foundation and The State Journal presents a $1,000 scholarship to students who make a difference in their schools, communities and the state. The 2016 scholarship was presented to Matthew Rao.
The Davis & Elkins College Upward Bound Program serves Randolph Barbour, Tucker Pendleton and Pocahontas counties. Participants in Upward Bound are eligible for the Bridge Program scholarship which is up to six weeks of paid college room, board, books and tuition during D&Es B-Term of summer school. The scholarship was presented to Michaela Everette.
Makayla Marks received the West Virginia Wesleyan College Presidential and Mason Crickard awards.
Samantha Davis presented scholarships to Davis & Elkins College to Dalton Irvine, Chase Alkire and Mia Ellison.
Dalton Irvine signed to be a member of the Davis & Elkins College track team.
Glenville State College alum and PCHS forestry teacher Scott Garber presented Matthew Rao with the GSC Dominion-Stan Pickens Scholarship, J.C. Baker Memorial Scholarship, H. Laban White, Sr. Memorial Scholarship and the John C. Shaw Scholarship.
Garber also recognized members of the forestry team – Michelle Murphy, Melissa Murphy, Makayla Marks and Caleb Bennett – as well as Matthew Rao who was on the 2014-2015 forestry team. Marks was first in the state this year and Rao was first in the state and fifth in the nation when he competed.
WVU Extension Agent Greg Hamons presented the West Virginia University Mountaineer Scholarship to Emily Boothe.
Gavin Gilmore and Austin Hubbert were recognized for choosing to serve in the United States Armed Forces.
PCHS math teacher Chris Sutton presented the $1,800 Pocahontas County STEM Scholarship to Caitlin Barnes.
The Bland Memorial Scholarship of $500 was established in the memory of Sr. Trooper Douglas Wayne Bland who lost his life serving the citizens of Pocahontas County. Bland’s daughter, Autumn, presented the award to Audrey Lore.
The Dr. Layton H. “Tony” Beverage Memorial Scholarship was established in memory of Beverage, a PCHS alum, who was a teacher, football coach, assistant principal, principal and assistant superintendent. The $500 scholarship was presented to Ashlynn McKenney.
The Loren Buzzard Scholarship is awarded to a senior who is interested in studying music or radio broadcasting. The scholarship is in memory of Buzzard, who died in a tragic auto accident in 2008 a few weeks before his graduation from PCHS. Loren’s mother, Diane, presented the scholarship to Marilyn Creager.
The Dr. Charles Glen Shinaberry and Dr. Mary Tabitha Moore Shinaberry Public Scholarship Trust divides a total of $22,040 among recipients. This year’s winners are: Lara Baudler, Emily Boothe, Samantha Collins, Marilyn Creager, Olivia Dean, Haley Duncan, Mia Ellison, Jacob Hefner, Tessa Himelrick, Audrey Lore, Makayla Marks, Melissa Murphy, Michelle Murphy, Matthew Rao and Kayla Shaw.
Henry Arnout Yeager was a long-time principal of Marlinton High School and in his honor, the H.A. Yeager Memorial Scholarship is presented to students who show exemplary character and support their community. The scholarship was presented to Tessa Himelrick.
The Seneca Woodlands Woman’s Club and The Marlinton Woman’s Club jointly give a scholarship to a young woman pursuing a four year degree. Club member Mali Minter presented the scholarship to Marilyn Creager. Minter also recognized the runners-up: Audrey Lore, Melissa Murphy and Michelle Murphy.
High Rocks Education Corporation, represented by Kendra Taylor, presented scholarships to Ashlynn McKenney, Marilyn Creager and Caitlin Barnes.
The Raymond and Eva Shrader Scholarship honors a student who is in good academic standing. The $250 scholarship was awarded to Megan Galford.
The Citizens National Bank Scholarship was presented to Ashlynn McKenney by CNB representative Bill Jordan.
The Snowshoe Foundation Scholarship, presented by Bill Jordan, was given to Matthew Rao and Emily Boothe.
The Tucker Community Endowment Scholarship Fund awards a scholarship in memory of Dr. Joseph Stefl, a physician’s assistant who served Pocahontas, Randolph and Tucker counties. The $1,000 scholarship was presented to Matthew Rao.
Jennifer Barlow presented the 2016 Miss Pocahontas Pioneer Days Scholarship to Michaela Everette.
Pocahontas County Convention and Visitors Bureau executive director Cara Rose and president Bill Jordan presented the CVB scholarship to Courtney Coetzee. Snowshoe Foundation partnered with the CVB and matched the award, making it a $2,000 annual scholarship for up to four years.
The Pendleton Community Bank Business, Accounting and Finance Scholarship, presented by Selena King is a $1,000 award. The recipient was Michelle Murphy.
The Norval Waugh Scholarship was established to honor Waugh, a lifelong educator. Recipients must be in good academic standing with a cumulative GPA of 2.75 in high school and an average GPA of 3.0 or higher senior year. The award is given to a student seeking a degree in education. Waugh’s daughter, Brenda, presented the scholarship to Audrey Lore.
The National Wildlife Turkey Federation Pocahontas Strutters Conservation Scholarship, given in memory of William Dilley, was presented by Cully McCurdy to Ashlynn McKenney.
The Alice Rowan Waugh Memorial Scholarship, honoring the memory of the well-known educator, was awarded to Tessa Himelrick and Matthew Rao.
The Emma S. Beard Memorial Scholarship is awarded to students pursuing degrees primarily in a technical field. This year’s recipients were: Kayleigh Arbogast, Bradley Armstrong, Caleb Bennett, Wesley Brown, Katlyn Buzzard, Kailey Carpenter, Courtney Coetzee, Michaela Everette, Chad Friel, Megan Galford, Dalton Irvine, Aaron Jackson, Ashlyn McKeney, Kaila Peck and Amber Sisler.
The Dr. Roland P. Sharp Scholarship, of $500 and $1,000, was presented to five students. Receiving the $500 scholarship were: Olivia Dean, Mia Ellison, Audrey Lore and Megan Galford.The $1,000 scholarship went to Melissa Murphy.
Mia Ellison received the Hazel Dumire Barlow Scholarship.
The Helen and Clark Brumagin Memorial Scholarship was presented to Audrey Lore and J.D. Hensler.
Receiving the Beulah Moore Scholarship was Megan Galford.
The Greenbrier Valley Community Foundation Scholarship was presented to Olivia Dean.
The Gay and Becky Shinaberry and Beth Buck Scholarship was awarded to Mia Ellison and Olivia Dean.
The Hillsboro Alumni Scholarship was presented to Chad Friel.
National Honor Society members were recognized, as well. Senior members are: Lara Baudler, president; Emily Boothe, vice president; Marilyn Creager, secretary; Samantha Collins, treasurer; Caitlin Barnes, Caleb Bennett, Olivia Dean, Tessa Himelrick, Audrey Lore, Makayla Marks, Melissa Murphy, Michelle Murphy, Tyler Owens and Matthew Rao.
Junior members are: Kourtney Cohenour, Savanna Davis, Carlie Ervine, JoDee Friel, Kayla Gibson, Lindsey Hartzell, Ryan Irvine, Brady Jones, Kyle Lester, Kevin Thompson and Drake Warder.
Culminating the evening, the National Honor Society installed its new officers: president Carlie Ervine, vice president Brady Jones, secretary Kayla Gibson and treasurer Kevin Thompson.