April 7, 1916
Saturday the special election on the establishment of the Edray District High School will be held. It looks like the school will be established as Pocahontas people are not in the habit of voting against schools.
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The fish car from the United States Bureau of Fisheries passed through here Tuesday from White Sulphur Springs with a full carload of Mountain or Brook Trout, consigned to the Cheat Mountain Club, Cheat Bridge. State Forest Game and Fish Warden J. A. Viquesney and H. M. Lockridge, vice president of the Cheat Mountain Club, accompanied the car, which was attached to the regular C&O passenger train to Cass, where it was transferred to the Greenbrier, Cheat and Elk railroad, and hauled by special engine some thirty miles through the preserve of this club, stopping at various points to distribute these fish in Cheat River and its numerous tributaries.
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Washington – Two post offices, ordered to be abolished, have been saved by the efforts of Congressman Adam B. Littlepage. The Post Office Department directed the discontinuance of the post offices at Clint, Monroe county, and Watoga, Pocahontas county. Patrons of these offices complained that they would be deprived of adequate mail service if the offices were closed and Mr. Littlepage had the orders for the discontinuance rescinded.
Saturday April 1, 1916, William Walter Graham, of Pennsylvania, and Miss Ada May Buckley were united in marriage in the parlor of Inframonte Cottage, Rev. Wm. T. Price officiating, at 9 p.m. Mr. Graham is an employee of the Buckeye Lumber Plant, with good prospects. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Buckley, of Buckeye, and is a prepossessing young person. Among those present was Miss Nellie McNeill. May due prosperity and happiness be allotted these pleasant young persons in their now blended lives.
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A very happy wedding was celebrated at the Edray parsonage, April, 1, 1916, by Rev. H. A. Coffman, when the contracting parties, Mr. Henry Hunter Lightner and Miss Lola Bell Puffenbarger, arrived from Marlinton to be united in the bonds of Holy matrimony. The delighted couple was accompanied by the groom’s brother, A. J. Lightner, as best man, and Mrs. W. H. Hiner as matron of honor. Mr. J. S. Hogsett was the honored chauffeur and general director of the rejoicing party. The young couple have the best wishes of their many friends and the sincere hope that their future life will be as happy and bright as the beautiful spring day on which they were joined together.
Myrtle, little daughter of Walter Lambert, was badly burned by a skillet of hot grease being overturned on her face and hand.
Joe Hamed purchased a team of horses from Forrest Griffin.
B. M. Arbogast has bought part of the Patterson farm.
Miss Flora Gillispie spent the weekend with her friend Miss Wilma Beard at Elkins.
We are having rain today; grass is growing, but bad on the farmers, too wet to plow.
Sugar making is over; feed is plentiful and stock is looking well.
The candidates are scarce here; they know the farmers are too busy to talk much.
W. McClintic will make a good commissioner if nominated and elected. Dr. Price has made good. Doc is all right.
Wayne Jackson is getting into the fruit industry.
Roy Propst and Miss Clyde Mays were quietly married at the home of Chas. Propst.
Kent Kramer returned Saturday night with his bride.
Thornwood people have been enjoying the medicine show this past week.
Plowing and farm work is the order of the day when not raining.
William Sharp and Leo Price spent last Sunday in Marlinton and around sight-seeing in their new Metz car.
Frank Baxter is attending court this week. Mr. Baxter is spoken of for county surveyor. We could not get a better man for the place and would like to see Frank get his hat in the ring.
Mr. and Mrs. Elihu Moore spent Sunday with Mrs. Moore’s parents at Minnehaha.
The Willing Workers Society met at the Presbyterian church Sunday. The society has nineteen members. Mrs. Henry McComb is leader.
Miss Mayme Ginger will leave Saturday for Charles-ton where she will take a position on the grading board.
L. D. Wooddell of Arbovale, is in town this week and reports a catch of 25 fine trout Monday in the North Fork of Deer Creek.
B. B. Bartlet gave us a six pound cannon ball for our museum. He brought it with him from Clarksburg, where he picked it up during the war.
J. C. Harper was in town this week. He is now in charge of the Huntley logging contract to stock the Warn Company’s big mill at Raywood.
Saturday was the opening day of the trout season. Frank Hunter, C. J. Richardson and J. L. Baxter were on Williams river and got their allotment of 25 each. J. W. Gilmer caught a large trout in Stony Creek.