March 30, 1916
Jared Hiner is the proud owner of a hen which must be a descendant of the one which laid the “golden egg.” He exhibited an egg in the store last week, the product of the above mentioned hen, which measured four and one half inches in length, eight inches around and weighed nine and one-half ounces. If eggs are worth 15 cents per dozen and its takes eight ordinary eggs to weigh a pound, what would this egg be worth? – Highland Recorder
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Mr. John M. Geiger, of Stony Bottom, offers this week for the Democratic nomination for a justice of Edray District. Mr. Geiger is a farmer and, we believe him qualified for the position he seeks. Last fall he shot himself in the arm while hunting, necessitating the amputation of that member. It has always been a good old Pocahontas custom to put in office a crippled man when he could fill the position.
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The big band mill of the Campbell Lumber company has been sold to the Raine Lumber company. It is being taken down and will be shipped to Sewell Valley where his company has recently bought a large tract of timber land.
Greenbank’s Farmers’ Club is the largest Farmers’ Club in the county, having a membership of 84; Little Levels’ Club has 24 members and Huntersville Farmers’ Club has 10 members.
Greenbank Farmers’ Club has ordered 83 tons of fertilizer, $600 worth of grass seed and 30 ton of lime. They will buy lots more fertilizer, lime, soy beans and alfalfa seed. Keep the good work going.
Uriah Hevener is testing his seed corn; in his first test he had 140 ears, 28 of them did not germinate good. If Mr. Hevener had planted these 28 ears, would he have gotten a good stand of corn? It certainly pays to test your corn before planting. In Iowa the corn is testing only 20 percent germination this year. Be on the safe side, test your corn. It will only take a little time now, and an hour now may save days at replanting time. So don’t neglect it.
J. L. Baxter is preparing to build a garage building, 48×60 feet on Camden Avenue near Golden’s store. It will be of concrete blocks, one story high. Duncan & Waugh have the contract.
Work will commence on A. N. Thomas’ residence on 4th Avenue near the depot. This house will be 24×40, five rooms, one story.
J. A. Hoover is preparing to build a fine nine room residence on his lots on Lower Camden, adjoining Mrs. Mary Sullivan.
S. H. Sharp contemplates building a residence this spring on his lots adjoining L. C. Gum’s.
G. H. Copenhaver has completed his new house on Lower Camden, and will move in this week.
J. H. Meadows has completed his new house on Upper Camden and is moving into it next week.
“Princess Chrysanthemum,” a Japanese operetta in three acts was presented under the direction of Miss Ethel Shugrou by the pupils of the Marlinton High School, assisted by a number of children in the grades. The entertainment was a success both financially and artistically. The opera house was comfortably filled, the receipts being eighty-four dollars.
Mr. Killingsworth, with the help of some of the high school boys, is planning to build a tennis court on the vacant lots adjoining the Marlinton Garage.
Misses Frona Flynn and Stella Orndorff left Saturday for Shepherdstown where they will enter the Normal School at that place.
Born to Monroe Beard and wife, Saturday the 25th, a daughter.
Several of the young people enjoyed a game of rook at the home of Mrs. Eliza Conrad Friday night, followed by a mess of good maple sugar.
Miss Helen Beard spent Sunday with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Wooddell, of Greenbank.
W. C. and H. C. Gillispie were down on Knapps Creek last week purchasing a team of horses.
Miss Clara Sheets returned to her home Sunday after spending a few days with friends and relatives. Her cousin Monna Sheets accompanied her home.
The Arbovale school closed Tuesday with a good program in the evening, consisting of recitations, dialogues, motion songs, a play and instrumental music. The building was crowded to a scarcity of standing room.
It looks like old winter might be about over and the people seem to be getting over the grippe and able to get out again.
Withrow McClintic, of Buckeye, was in town one day last week buying horses.
Arthur Sheets and Miss Vergie Taylor were married last week. We offer congratulations.
The farmers have commenced plowing.
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cochran gave an old time sugar stirring to about sixteen of their friends. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barlow, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Auldridge, Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Carter, Mrs. Margaret Baxter, Mrs. C. V. Hanlin, Mrs. E. F. McLaughlin, Misses Edith Baxter, Bee Sharp, Ada Moore and Frank McLaughlin, Glen Barlow and Wm. VanReenan.
Noah Bright is moving his family to Mrs. Lizzie McClure’s place where he will farm this summer.
Farmers are very busy at this time; they are very backward with their work owing to bad weather.
Floyd Galford has bought the blacksmith shop at the S.C. Galford sale and expects to put up a shop at the S.D.Hannah place where he lives. He can do most any kind of work and e believe he will make a good blacksmith.
There was a big crowd at the S.C. Galford sale; everything brought a good price; cows brought as high as $86 and they averaged about $80 all around. Sheep brought over $10 per head.
There is one case of measles reported at the hotel and some people are much scared up.