March 2, 1916
“For the last eighteen months I have borne testimony with all my strength against Germany because of its cynical disregard of the obligations of international humanity, alike in its dealing with Belgium, in its outrages committed on non-combatants of other nationalities, and its assaults upon our own people. It has been to our deep discredit as a nation that we have not actively and effectively interfered against the callous brutality.” Roosevelt in the current Metropolitan
The Colonel is harping on his old string. No fight should be pulled off however distant but what he is entitled to a part in it. With a heart fatally bent upon mischief, he would willingly plunge his country into a war.
There is a joke going the rounds that the Kaiser blames the war on Roosevelt. When the German troops were paraded before Roosevelt that time, the jest goes, Teddy said to Bill, that he had an army that could whip anything on earth. “
“How was I to know,” complains the Kaiser, “that he was a damned liar?
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The number of automobiles in West Virginia has been published showing that there are over thirteen thousand of these machines in the state. By counties they run from Boone with none, and Clay with one, to Ohio county with 1,462. Pocahontas County is high up in the list with 131, and probably has more automobiles per capita than any of the rural districts. We note with interest that Webster county adjoining us has 23 automobiles and recall that Pocahontas county had a wagon so many years before that vehicle was introduced into Webster county.
Every sportsman in or about Wheeling, be he fisherman, or huntsman, will receive a thrill like to that of landing the first trout, or killing the first deer, when he learns today that the Allegheny and Cheat Mountain Clubs have been merged, and that there are now fifty-thousand one- hundred acres at his disposal for sport and reservation, there’s fishing all the year round, not to mention the various game in season.
The holdings of the Allegheny and Cheat Mountain Clubs are in Randolph and Pocahontas counties, two counties which for natural beauty and plenty in game are unrivaled in the State. The Allegheny Club is but twenty-five miles from Hot Springs, and commands a beautiful view of the Knapps Creek Valley, as well as ranges of the Alleghenies. Moreover, it is within sight of the Minnehaha Springs, where there is a bathing pool, and other pleasure improvements. The adjoining Cheat Mountain Club is situated on Shafer’s Fork of the Cheat river. The Club house is at an altitude of thirty-four hundred feet above sea level. These clubs are summer resorts, having as they do, numerous cottages, etc. to accommodate pleasure seekers, are ideal and as a means of furnishing fishing and hunting they need no further endorsement…
An effort will be made to build a wagon road to the town of Raywood from below Dunmore on the east side of the Greenbrier river.
This will be a great benefit to the town and the country at large. We would like to see Pocahontas county get a good road move on this summer; get our roads worked early in the spring.
Auctioneer C.B. Sweck-er sold a big lot of lumber, logs and bark last Saturday. He will make near Dunmore, about the last of March, one of the big sales that you read about. Sheldon and Ellis Moore have sold their fine farm to Jim and Charlie Wilfong.
E. H. Moore and Peck’s Bad Boy are in Marlinton this week.
S.D. Elliott will build June McElwee’s house this summer.
The storm blowed Robert Lightner over from Highland county Monday.