February 17, 1916
The Germans have admitted their fault in the war-like act against the Lusitania and America has followed the maxim of Napoleon that where firmness is sufficient, rashness is unnecessary. If it had not been for some of our own citizens who turned critical it would have been much easier to have completed the negotiations. They could not see that the President was dealing with a war-mad country. It was a dreadful thing and one that can never be whitewashed but it was done, and the best that this country could do was to call the attention of the German government to the occurrence as a breach of international law and threaten that if this denoted a new line of conduct between nations, that action would be taken accordingly. It seems to us that the German government has done all that it could do and be allowed to continue by its raging subjects. We talked up to them very boldly and they climbed down. Sometimes it is best to be like the Irishman who was tossed over a fence by a bad bull. Picking himself up he turned and faced the animal and said: “If it wasn’t fer yer bowin’ and scrapin’ and yer apologizin’, I’d o’ thought ye done that on purpose.”
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The pictures of the Hatfields at the Amusu Tuesday night showing the scenes of some of the most notable occurrences during the well- known Hatfield and McCoy feud were of great interest to West Virginians. There were the hogs over which the feud started. A regular justice of the peace lawsuit beginning. There was much hard riding, shooting and the familiar face of Col. Anse Hatfield stepping around as spry as a young man. Col. Anse lives in a big white farmhouse in peace and security in his old age. The home is noted for its hospitality and his wife is one of the sweetest old ladies of West Virginia. And the men folks, whatever else may be said of them, they do not lack the red badge of courage. One of Col. Anse’s sons was here with the pictures but owing to the inclemency of the season, the old gentleman himself could not come. Some of us remember many years ago when the Colonel summered in our midst. He was traveling incognito at the time, and lived a very retired and secluded life while here.
The many friends of Miss Ada Doyle, of Cass, were greatly surprised on Sunday, February 6, 1916, when they learned that at 12:30 p.m. she became the bride of John W. Bible. Rev. Geo. Echols pronounced the ceremony. Immediately a bountiful dinner was served…
H. Kelmenson went to market this week to buy stock for the store he will open in Shulman’s old stand. He will return by March 1.
An addition, 30×50 feet, is being built to the store rooms of the Marlinton Grocery Company and H. Kelmenson’s. J. H. Meadows has the contract.
Squire Amos Gillispie was down from Cass last Friday. He reports the big mill at his town is running full time and over, the past few months.
S. B. Nethkin, of Cass, is in Indiana this week buying a carload of heavy draft horses to be used in the lumber woods of the W.Va. Spruce Lumber Company.
Aaron Carlson was down from Raywood yesterday and brought word from our friend, Charley Lind, who is now on a farm in his native country of Sweden at Skatte Garden, Fagarsonna. He is making a good living, sees very little money and is awful homesick for Marlinton.
Uriah Hevener was in town Monday attending a meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee, and on other business. He told us he was wintering 302 head of cattle on his farm near Greenbank. This, he said, was double the number of cattle ever wintered on this farm, and he was able to do it by reason of having built a number of silos last season. His silos are homemade and he recommends them as being highly satisfactory. He has also sowed alfalfa extensively and is meeting with great success with it. Mr. Hevener has stable room for all his cattle, and his stock is coming through the winter in first class condition.
Sheriff Cochran never makes a failure to catch his man or woman. This time he captured a bird that is not a jail bird. It was Mrs. Emma Grace Patterson, at high noon last Tuesday. Mrs. Patterson is one of the best business women in the county. Good luck and best wishes for their future lives.
Miss Emma Grimes fell from the stable loft into the manger and was badly hurt.
With a war tax, a big state tax and a high school tax in Greenbank district, it will make some people scratch where it don’t itch.
Cold weather set in here on Valentine’s day.
A great many of our people are complaining of grippe and colds.
Cottage prayer meetings are a great success here. A great many conversions and much good is resulting.
We learn that there will be a Rebekah Lodge instituted at Cass, February 28.
Al Simmons came across the Alleghany mountain last week in his automobile, regardless of the mud.
Snow, rain and mud seems to be legal tender in this country. We will soon have to import some European air ships for transportation facilities in this county if the rainy weather continues.
J.J. Laury, lumber jobber, has bought a tract of hardwood timber from C.L. Moore. He has been operating a stave job, assisted by E.H. McLaughlin. This enterprise will probably put a boom on Browns Creek.
A son of William Bowers, aged about fourteen years, died at his home on Browns Mountain, Saturday, the 12th, and was buried on Sunday the 13th. Sympathy is extended to the bereaved family.
J.H. Sampson died last week and was buried on the home place.
We noticed in The Times the announcement of Marvin Gillispie of Cass, for Assessor. The writer, an ex-woodsman, for many years in the employ of the West Virginia Spruce Lumber Co., personally knows Mr. Gillispie to be a pleasant gentleman, well qualified for the office, and is honest, upright and particular, and absolutely safe businessman. Give us Gillispie for assessor and be proud of your choice.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Carr, Buckeye, February 3, a daughter.
Born to Mr. Mrs. c. W. Hills, Buckeye, February 4, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Davis Mace, on Elk, February 13, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. J.J. McGraw, January 16, a son.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Duncan, January 14, a son.
Marlinton Graded School Report
Honor Roll of the Marlinton School for the month ending February 4.
First grade, Miss Moore, teacher – Eleanor Klein, Elva Cary, Pauline Camper, Almeda Candler, Anna Bell Kenney, Loiella Herbert, Elizabeth Johnson, Geraldine Humes, Anna Bell Dennison, Mary Woods, Clay Herbert, James Holesapple, Roy Grubbs, William Duncan, Thomas Osborne, Ray Slaven, Paul Gladwell, Basil Shoemaker, Edward Rexrode.
Second Grade, Mrs. Burns – Edna May, Maude Candler, Anna Walker, Cathleen Abbott, Douise Williams, Bella Cook, Velma Buzzard, Lillian Beeling, Melton Bean, Loyd Osborne, Henry Borne, Charles Smith, Clyde LaRue, Carlisle Wade, Paul Simmons, Basil McCarty, Herbert Kelley.
Third Grade, Miss Creel, teacher – Madelyn Eskridge, Mildred Harris, Mary Kenney, Minerva McCarty, Myra McElwain, Betsy Price, Heazzle Shoemaker, Florence Smith, Gordon Baxter, Norman Camper, Carl Courtney, Curtis Mccoy, Buster Smith, Claude Smith, Lloyd Waugh.
Fourth Grade, Miss Sullivan, teacher – Marion Campbell, Ruby Dilley, Hildred Waugh, Dempsey Johnson, Lawrence Kennison, Fred McElwain, John McCoy, Edward Wilson, Harry Cochran.
Fifth Grade, Miss Wade, teacher – Eda Beard, Daisy Criser, Grace McElwain, Margaret Hill, Louis Harris, Julia Price, Corinne Riggan, Lillie Wardell, Vernon East, Paul Johnson, L. C. Johnston, Guy Yeager.
Sixth Grade, Miss Irvine, teacher – Alice McClintic, Gladys Clark, Marjorie Walker, Craig Richardson, Richard Yeager, Arnout Yeager, Stanley Klein, Glen Vaughan.
Seventh and Eighth Grade, Miss Loucks, teacher – Eula Hannah, Lula Herold, Marie Smith, Marjorie Warwick.