February 10, 1916
We have had a cold, damp, moist, unpleasant winter and it has just about got our goat. Change of weather is the discourse of fools, says the old proverb, but we have had such a horrible experience fighting through this far that we are bound to take notice of it. Never have we seen so much suffering directly attributable to the weather as in this melancholy season. The sun is gradually struggling back across the line but there were nineteen days in January in which there was not a ray of sunshine…
The immediate effect of the kind of weather that has been our portion was to give the folks the grippe, and when you get that all is gloom. You can remember every debt that you owe and can think of nothing coming in. And the grade of grippe that was handed out this year was the kind that hangs on. There seemed to be no way of shaking it off. And all sorts of ailments followed it. Especially rheumatism. Many a human form divine carries a rusty hinge.
The first hopeful sign that we saw was that the sassafras was showing enough life to be dug up and turned into tea for suffering humanity.
What makes the sufferer’s hopes look up,
What makes him to perspire?
It’s not the doctor’s medicines,
Or setting round the fire;
It’s just a drench of sassafras,
When all is said and done,
Its a bracer and an alterant,
And febrifuge in one.
We are all right smart of a herb doctor, we are. Of the botanical school. Also pollytaknical. It’s Polly take the kettle and we’ll all have tea. Treatment number one, is sassafras; number two, ramps; number three, boneset; number four, hoarhound, and so forth. Rule one is to throw the patient into a sweat, and for this there is nothing like sassafras. As a diaphoretic and sudorific it cannot be surpassed. It is easy to take. It is a great stimulant and you know how scarce the ordinary stimulants are in West Virginia of late years. People have not only lost their taste for liquor, they have even lost their recollection of how it tastes…
Married, at the home of the bride near Dunmore, Tuesday, February 8, 1916, Lincoln S. Cochran and Mrs. Emma Grace Patterson. Rev. J. W. McNeil, officiating minister. The groom is sheriff of Pocahontas county, and the bride is a daughter of Rev. J. W. McNeill, of West Augusta, Virginia.
They left on the evening train for Staunton, where they will visit Mr. Cochran’s sister, Mrs. Jacob Hevener.
Four inches of snow at this writing.
We had an enjoyable time at the debate, January 29. The children recited nicely, and the speakers knew how to handle their question and did some fine speaking.
Guy Doddrill and Miss Lucy Doyle were married January 28. Wishing them a long and prosperous life.
We had a regular homecoming day at W. H. Brady’s February 1st, the occasion being Mr. and Mrs. Brady’s golden wedding anniversary. A number of nice and valuable presents were received… The men brought their crosscut saws along and spent the day in sawing wood for the old folks. The women passed the time in working a silk quilt for Mrs. Brady. All did justice to the fine dinner set out before them. Supper was also served before the guests departed to their several homes. The old folks are getting pretty frail, but we hope they may have many returns of their wedding anniversary. Mr. Brady is past 78 years old and Mrs. Brady is 73.
Some of our weather prophets predict that we are going to have fine weather from now on, as the ground hog failed to come out.
The measles are badly scattered throughout the neighborhood, but all seem to be getting along very well at present.
John Boyce lost a fine pair of colts last week.
Fosse Hill and W.W. Kennison are preparing to finish the I.O.O.F hall.
J. M. Vaughan has purchased a fine lot of Southdown sheep.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lovic Vaughan, February 5, a daughter.
Mrs. Mae Boblett has rented her farm to F. W. Dean.
Grim winter has visited us again in the most congealing form.
The health of the community is far below par; colds and grippe, caused by the different conditions of weather temperature are attacking many persons.
We notice that there will be several eclipses this year. It is a curious fact that one of the most remarkable eclipses of history occurred on May 28, 586 B.C. This was predicted by Thaler, one of the seven sages of Greece and it put an end to the war between the Medes and the Lydeans, so great was the awe caused by the sudden cessation of the sun’s light that the contending hosts threw down their arms and made peace.
Rain and mud – bad on farmers and log skidders.
The health of our little town is bad on account of colds and grippe.
Our mill runs steady now and lumber sales are good.
Give us Woodrow again for President, and Joe Buzzard for assessor.
It is reported that wild geese were seen last Sunday.
The road across the Alleghany Mountain has been so bad that wagons from Highland cannot get over.
Dr. A. E. Burner has moved into his new brick building near the C&O depot.
George Gum is furnishing his restaurant in the Burner building in city style, and will be opened in a week.
Mrs. P. M. Yeager has returned from the south to her old home near Bartow.
The health of our community has been very good this winter, although there has been some cases of grippe.
Peter Cleek, one of our oldest citizens, has been sick for some time, and we are sorry to say I no better.
It has been reported that C. P. Collins is thinking of selling his property and leaving the Creek.
P.D. Moore is having saw set, known locally as the Moore Lumber job. Mr. Moore contemplates the erection of a new house, with some other improvements.
Mrs. Price Moore has been right much complaining the last few days.
M.F. Herold made a business trip to Marlinton recently.
D. W. Dever and Sherman Gibson have bought up most of the lambs on the Creek. Lambs have only brought seven cents per pound. There will be about twelve hundred head of lambs on the Creek.
Like to say something about the roads, but do not like to say anything bad and can’t say anything good, will decline by saying nothing. Possibly the candidates will have something to say later.