Celebrating Women’s History Month. Edray District High School Girls Track Team in front of the school on Ninth Street in Marlinton, W.Va. Back row: Lillian Wiley, Georgia Shearer, Helen Keene, Pearl Auldridge, Gertrude Yeager, Louise Coyner, Eleanor Smith and one unidentified. Front row, left to right: Ethel Cunningham, Louise Smith, Bunny Hill, Reta Rexrode. Girls in the back are holding the trophy. Girls in the front are holding the banner that reads “Girls Relay 1925 Pocahontas.” (Pocahontas County Historical Society Collection; ID: PHS002246)
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If you have historical records or photographs to be scanned for the county Historical Archive contact Preservation Officer B. J. Gudmundsson at 304-799-3989 or email info@pocahontaspreservation.org Prints of photographs are available.