Mr. G.E. McCabe, Director of West Virginia Emergency Management Division, is responsible for overseeing the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) in West Virginia. Mr. McCabe is aware the Town of Marlinton takes the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) very seriously. If you are a citizen of Marlinton, I want you to understand, as well.
To a large extent, the economic future of Marlinton depends on maintaining member eligibility for coverage the (NFIP) program provides. The proof of the Town’s commitment to the (NFIP) program can be understood by considering one simple fact. Many towns the size of Marlinton do not employ a full-time Flood Plain Manager (FPM). We do.
Some property owners may say “my home is paid for, why should I be concerned about flood insurance coverage?” Or, “I have never had flood insurance coverage and do not intend to ever have flood insurance coverage.” Others may be in a position to pay cash for any property purchased in the Town’s flood plain areas and do not need homeowner’s or flood insurance coverage. That is good for you.
But, one day your heirs may want to sell your property. The potential new owner may not have the ability to pay cash. If a sale is necessary, your heirs will want to sell as soon as possible. An interested buyer may want your property but have to seek outside financing to complete the purchase. This is when some buyers will find out that all lenders require flood insurance coverage. Suddenly, sellers realize that having access to National Flood Insurance becomes very important.
In years past, the Town of Marlinton tried to save expense by trying to maintain compliance with part-time people on a part-time basis. For the same reasons, I admit trying to continue with the same practice. It does not work. To the best of my recollection, I hired four others, before hiring our current full-time FPM.
Part-time employees are like mayors. They come and go. When any employee leaves, all the experience they have gained leaves with them, and the Town is forced to start all over again. It has not been an easy process.
We appreciate the NFIP State Coordinator and Project Officer. Both have worked closely with our FPM. Community education is a huge part of understanding the need. Ultimately, our goal is to keep coverage available, save lives and lessen property damage, if confronted with any future event. We welcome other information related to assess, technical assistance or other floodplain management practices.
Respectfully submitted,