December 4, 1913
The Saturday Evening Post says that the teacher of some foreign born children gave out the words “fright” and “ideal” to be used in sentences. Two of the answers were as follows:
“I had fright eggs for breakfast,”
“In summer ideal in fruit, in winter ideal in old clothes.”
Another teacher gave out the word “unaware” to be used.
One scholar responded: “In winter I put on heavy unaware.”
Very fine weather for the time of year.
J. A. Hiner, the Highland Cattle King, was in town last week.
Two thousand pounds of turkeys were shipped from Sitlington last Saturday.
While in the Levels District last week, Capt. Swecker took some nice orders for monuments and iron fencing. He also erected a handsome monument at the grave of Armenius Buzzard last week.
The road has been repaired some between the Gap and Frost, but oh that road from the Gap to Sitlington. It needs the gravel.
George Taylor saw a bear on Allegheny Mountain as big as a Galloway cow.
The people of Sunset have been taking advantage of the good weather to get up their winter wood.
Neal Pritchard took a load of grain to Mr. Tyler’s mill at Frost last Tuesday.
Miss Elsie Pritchard has been on the sick list, but is able to be in school again.
D. F. Shinaberry took a load of hogs to Marlinton for A. T. Dillard last week.
Reed Bros. have J. A. Cleek’s dwelling house under good headway.
We are glad to see the work commenced on the road between Minnehaha and Huntersville.
Coe Beverage has bought a feed mill, and is doing a lot of grinding for the people.
Albert Fertig, Jesse Ray and Clyde Shrader were the guests of their cousin, A. K. Sharp, Sunday, and enjoyed a pleasant time.
Mrs. Della Dilley and children were pleasant visitors at the hospitable home of their friends, Miss Pearl Carpenter and Mrs. Dolcie Hively, Saturday night and Sunday.
George H. Shrader went to Clover Lick Monday to commence work.
Mrs. R. C. Shrader is very sick at this time. Dr. Lockridge is the attending physician.
Willie Shrader took his little son Robert to the doctor Monday, for treatment for diabetes.
Miss Margaret and Glen Pritchard, of Dunmore, spent Saturday and Sunday at their home at this place. They returned Sunday eve to Dunmore and were accompanied by their friend, Miss Ruth Sharp.
Mrs. Johnny Rider and baby are spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson at Greenbank.
W. J. Pritchard made the largest shipment of poultry for Thanksgiving this year that he has ever made, the weight being over seven thousand pounds.
Miss Eugie Curry has been suffering with a bealed head for several days.
Mr. Pennybaker, of Pendleton county, who bought Wm. Corbett’s sawmill on Browns Creek, stopped overnight in this town with his family, enroute to Browns Creek.
Wm. Corbett will move his sawmill near W. A. G. Sharp’s and will saw the Warwick Shinaberry timber on the Moore tract. Mr. Sharp and son will do the skidding.
We are having some damp weather and muddy roads at present.
The spelling bee here last Wednesday night was largely attended. The schools of Beaver Creek, Burr Valley, and part of Seebert spelled against our school, and they got badly beaten.
Deputy Sheriff James McComb visited his parents at this place last Sunday.
People of this locality have all sold their turkeys, and report a reasonable price.
The weather has been fine for a couple of weeks here, and work is progressing nicely.
During the few days the mill was shut down last week a crowd of employees had the luck to bring in a large buck deer, which they killed in the woods near here.
The Lumber Company has built an addition to their store here, and established a meat market.
Business seems at the best at present, and lots of work is going on.
H. P. McLaughlin and Mrs. Ed McLaughlin were business visitors at Marlinton, Saturday.
Edgar Hamilton is spending a few days on Browns Creek.
Cecil Dilley had the misfortune to get his foot mashed by a log rolling on it.
Sheldon Moore is visiting in this part. We are glad to have Mr. Moore with us again.
Frank Moore is home from the west.
L. A. Miller has gone to Pennsylvania.
We are sorry to hear of the illness of Mrs. J. R. Hume.
Charlie McLaughlin in home from Denmar.
Peter McCarty and son, Amos, took the banner lot of turkeys to W. J. Pritchard at Frost last Tuesday.
Miss Opal Dilley was shopping at Huntersville one day last week.
Mrs. Alice McClure has been suffering quite severely with rheumatism for some time.
Ed McLaughlin and son, Claud, of Stony Creek, were here last week.
Vester Gilmore took his wife to a Baltimore hospital last week.
Elmer Baxter took a load of wheat to Millpoint and had it ground last week.
Mrs. Nettie Baxter spent a part of last week at Marlinton having some dental work done.
Lloyd VanReenan and Luther McNeil butchered some nice hogs Saturday.
Elmer Poage, of Edray, and French Hoover, of Stony Creek, were here on business recently.
Pat Gay, of Marlinton, was looking after his interests in this section recently.
J. Luther McNeil spent Tuesday night at the county seat.
Mrs. Robert McLaughlin is visiting her son, Elmer McLaughlin.
We are in need of a foot bridge across the creek near Mrs. McCutcheon’s.
Russ McLaughlin killed two fine hogs Saturday, weighing about 250 each.
Lawrence McLaughlin raised the champion corn crop this year, on this creek—about twelve hundred bushels.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perry, November 28, a daughter.
Clyde Carpenter is able to be out again.
Mrs. Clyde Carpenter and Mrs. Lawrence McLaughlin are improving nicely.
Mrs. Sallie Carpenter and Miss Nelia McLaughlin are on the sick list.
Jake Taylor is not so well at this writing.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Turner, December 1, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Morris Sharp, December 1, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wade, December 2, a daughter.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Richardson, December 2, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Arbogast, December 4, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Uriah Hevener, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Amos Beverage, on Stony Creek, November 27, a son.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Perry, November 28, a daughter.