Music in the Levels: A stop on the Trail
The 20th annual Little Levels Heritage Fair and Pearl S. Buck Birthday Celebration is back on track for this year.
The disastrous June 23, 2016 flood led to the cancellation of the 19th annual fair, and the food that was prepared for the celebration was delivered, instead, to neighboring Greenbrier County to help feed flood victims and rescue and clean-up personnel.
Music in the Levels is the theme of this year’s fair.
Pocahontas County is home to many wonderfully talented musicians, and many of them will share their talent Friday and Saturday, June 23 and 24.
Friday evening’s lineup begins at 4 p.m. and includes Public Disturbance, J.J. and Hazel Riley and Rush Run Philharmonics.
Music all day Saturday, beginning at 10 a.m. with the Viney Mountain Boys, followed at 11 a.m. by Juanita Fireball and the Continental Drifters. Richard Hefner and The Black Mountain Bluegrass Boys take the stage/porch at noon, and the Bill Hefner Family wraps up the music at 3 p.m.
Arts and Crafts can be found on the Sydenstricker Lawn, and the West Virginia Woodturners Association returns with its bowl turning demonstration.
Dawn Baldwin Barrett will conduct a Wild Harvest Workshop.
As part of the Cal Price Enrichment Series, the Pocahontas County Artisan co-op will have a Handmade Celebration with hands-on projects and demonstrations.
There will be tours of the Pearl S. Buck Birthplace Museum all three days of the fair, with the Pearl S. Buck Birthday Celebration on the lawn of the Stulting House at 4 p.m. Saturday.
The fair boasts two parades – the Fireman’s Parade Friday evening at 7 p.m. and the Heritage Parade at 2 p.m. Saturday.
Old-fashioned fun and food
Friday: Children’s Games on the Sydenstricker Lawn from 3 to 5 p.m. Bingo at 7 p.m. Hot Dog Dinner by Marvin Chapel United Methodist Church Friday, 4:30 to 7 p.m.
Get in line Saturday for the ever popular Pork Roast Barbecue, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Mini-Log Race at the Seebert Bridge at 3 p.m.
Sunday, June 25, everyone is encouraged to attend a church of their choice in Hillsboro and the surrounding area.
A celebration of the life of Thomas C. and Betsy J. Edgar will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday on the Stulting House Lawn.
As it has since its inception, the weekend wraps up with Vespers at the McNeel White Pole Cemetery. In case of inclement weather, the service will be held at Pleasant Green Church on Seebert Lane.
There will also be an Open House at Pleasant Green Church Saturday from 10 a.m. to noon.
2018 Little Levels Heritage Fair is scheduled for June 22 – 24.
Handmade Celebration at the LLHF June 24
Have you ever wanted to learn how to make your own broom or take part in a quilting bee?
You’ll have an opportunity to do that and more, when members of the Pocahontas County Artisan Cooperative celebrate Appalachian Heritage Arts and Crafts with hands-on workshops and demonstrations at the Little Levels Heritage Fair, June 24 from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.
The artists will offer workshops and demonstrations in hand-quilting, yo-yo making, quilted potholders, blacksmithing, woodworking, jewelry making, traditional broom making, and a Wild Harvest Workshop.
Kids are invited to take part in the event, as well. They will make-and-take an old-fashioned loop-woven potholder.
The arts and crafts will be set up on the lawn of the Sydenstricker house.
The West Virginia Woodturners Association will be onsite with its bowl turning demonstrations.