October 28, 1915
Owing to a mixup in the news as it was carried to this part of the state, some of us heard that at the great football game at Charleston between Washington & Lee and the University, to which there was a general gathering from all over the State last Saturday, the Washington & Lee team had got angered over a decision of the referee and had jumped the game. Thereupon some of us with a football past said all manner of hard things about the visiting team as quitters, and undesirable citizens generally. We talked about them scandalous. Then the papers came and we found that it was our own team which quit because they disagreed with the arbitrator. We see no reason why our remarks cannot be applied with equal force to the home team. The action of the University players in jumping the game has not been well received throughout the State so far as we have been able to judge.
Ira Brill killed a fine wild turkey on the mountain in the edge of town last Friday morning. Burt Feaster got another turkey on Monday.
Reed Gay and Albert Barlow, hunting on Spruce Knob at the head of Elk, got two big turkeys apiece, last Wednesday.
Prosecuting Attorney S. H. Sharp was hunting turkeys on Cranberry last week and as he was walking along a log road he heard a noise in the leaves on a laurel covered hillside above him. Keeping a sharp lookout he soon saw an immense wildcat cross an opening in the bushes. He let him have a load of shot and dropped him in his tracks. It proved to be one of the largest of wildcats, finely furred, and its skin is now in the hands of a taxidermist to be made into a rug.
While hunting squirrels on J. J. Coyner’s land on Clover Creek last week, E. H. Hamrick killed two bears and wounded another. Mr. Hamrick came on an old bear and her three cubs. He shot and killed two of the cubs, and the third cub then called for his mother and she responded very promptly and came after Mr. Hamrick. He shot her with a load of shot, knocking her down, She and the other cub then made off.
Sam Jackson caught a very large horned owl at his home on Elk the other day. It had killed a large turkey and was caught in a trap. He brought the owl to the Times office.
So far as we have heard, no deer have as yet been killed, though not a little sign is to be seen in the woods. Smaller game of all kinds seems to be plentiful. There is a remarkably heavy mast in the oak and chestnut woods.
When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a band of men to dissolve the business relations which have connected them with their employer, and to assert that independence which is the inherent right of the laboring man, especially when their position has been strengthened by a firm and lasting union, a decent respect for the feelings of the employer requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation…
We, the boys that set up pins at the Bowling Alley, do hereby strike for higher wages. We want five cents a game or forty cents a night. We will not work for less wages.
Signed, Cecil East, John Besling, Guy Slavin, Robert Beverage, Denny Lynch, Floyd Rucker, Grayner Withers, John Hayslette, Wm. Bean, Glen Vaughan, Titus Tabor, Cameron Beverage, Stanley Klein, Charley Knapp.
Cloverlick seems to be the central point for shippers to car their lambs and cattle. There is seldom a day that there isn’t either lambs or cattle loaded. We have seen some very fine stock shipped from here this fall.
Sherman Gibson and Dennis Dever of Knapps Creek were in town Monday night and loaded two carloads of fine lambs Monday morning.
Mrs. G. W. Miller died at her home near Beard Tuesday morning after a long illness of tuberculosis, aged about thirty years. She was a daughter of Allan Adkison. She leaves her husband and their four children. Burial at the Oak Grove graveyard.
Edgar McLaughlin is moving into his new house this week.
Also Sandy Auldridge is moving to town into his new house.
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“The ladies! God bless them!” got beaten in the election on the constitutional amendment as to voting last week. Not a county carried for woman suffrage. New Jersey is not a typical state as most of its voters are city men, the rural population being negligible, but it nevertheless indicates defeat for the movement in New York, Pennsylvania and Connecticut this year, and in West Virginia next year.
These are no piping times of peace. It is the day of war. The cry is, women to the rear! It is so in every great war crisis, and we look to see the suffrage movement subside until peace is once more established. We know that this will not suit certain old ladies of both sexes, but the more we think about it the more natural it seems for men to assert themselves in time of war…
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They say that man is mighty,
He governs land and sea,
He wields a might sceptre
On lesser powers that be,
But a mightier power and stronger
Man from his throne has hurled,
And the hand that rocks the cradle
Is the hand that rules the world.
– William Ross Wallace