September 9, 1915
Editor, Pocahontas Times:
Last week Mrs. Yeager and I spent four days in this great city. It was a revelation and an education worth anyone’s while.
New York City is a world within itself. Every nationality and every class, from the highest to the lowest, from the richest to the poorest, is there.
Every inch of surface on Manhattan is utilized, and they are now building up toward the sky and down toward China. We were on one building 700 feet above the surface – 65 stories – I do not know how many below the surface. People are living up in the clouds like eagles and in the ground like ground hogs…
I was informed that 7,000 houses were built on the Island. I was also informed that over one hundred multi-millionaires live on the Island. Through the courtesy of some friends we were driven through the estates of Harry Payne Whitney, Mrs. Bradley Martin, Henry Phipps and several others in the same class. I doubt if there are many estates in the whole world equal to these in grandeur and value.
The consensus of opinion in New York is that when the war is over there will be a great influx of emigration to this country and among them will be large numbers of the wealthier class, escaping from these tax burdened countries, and that New York will increase in population more rapidly than ever. If this be true, New York is destined to be the greatest city in the world in population, wealth, and influence.
Glenn Lambert has sold his new car to Dr. Lambert in Franklin.
French Sutton and men are on Cheat making great improvement on the roads. If you want a good road overseer, come get him at Arbovale. Also, if you want a good automobile ride, come take a spin through our town and community.
L. D. Wooddell is at Greenbank helping to put up Henry Wooddell’s extra- large barn.
Tilden Brown is wearing a very large smile on his face – it’s a girl.
The sound of the hammer is heard within our town both early and late. Three new houses are being built and two more to be erected yet this fall. A first class school, good churches, large Sunday schools, macadamized streets, paved sidewalks over a large part of the corporation, a bank that is making good, fine country roads, all contribute to our material growth, and we trust to our spiritual benefit.
S. J. Payne, who met with such a serious accident here last April, has now returned with his wife and daughters to their home in Charleston. Miss Dakota Kirk, assistant postmaster, accompanied them.
Where is there a farmer who can beat the following record? Geo. W. Callison bought a ewe last fall for which he paid $6.00. The wool from this ewe brought $2.25, and triplet lambs which she raised, brought a few days ago, $20.53, making a grand total of $22.78. The ewe is in better condition now than when bought a year ago.
John Shrader of the Hills was on our streets a few days ago.
Clarence Jordan is keeping camp and Mrs. Jordan is keeping house for J. O. Cary’s while they are visiting their old home in Maryland.
Mr. Hiveley, your corn may be very good for your section, but we can beat it down here. Squire O. P. McNeil has corn in his garden that measures 129 inches, while just a few hundred yards away Rodney Buzzard has corn that measures 151 inches high.
Winston Herold has just completed a silo for Howard Barlow.
Box supper and ice cream festival at Mt. Zion Church, September 18, 7:30 p.m.
Harlow Waugh leaves this afternoon for Baltimore to buy his fall stock.
Our old friend, James McCloud, was down from Stony Bottom, Tuesday. He has killed 75 groundhogs, and his neighbor, Butler Sharp, has killed 225 ground hogs so far this season.