January 21, 1915
The fox hunters association was formed at Charleston the other day. The objects are many, one of them being to obtain legislation for the protection of the red fox and to purchase and breed foxes for hunting. This is flying into the face of the old proverb that foxes thrive best when they are cursed. We are of the opinion that any law protecting the fox will not meet with approval in West Virginia at this time. The fox is a danger to poultry and lambs are not entirely safe from the pesky varmint. Let every fox look after his own skin.
One of the most useful things for a farmer is a reliable forecast of the weather.
Now if some reader of The Pocahontas Times would procure a clean, clear bottle, he could make for himself a homemade weather forecaster that would be so reliable as to be very useful.
Take one drachm each of camphor gum, salt petre and ammonia salts and dissolve in thirteen drachms of pure alcohol and when dissolved, pour the mixture in the bottle and cork tightly.
When this bottle is hung against a wall facing north it will prove a perfect weather prophet.
While the liquid is clear, fair weather is promised; when the mixture is muddy or cloudy it is a sign of rain. Little white flakes settling in the bottom means the weather is growing colder, and the thicker the deposit, the colder it becomes.
Fine starry flakes foretell a storm. Large flakes are a sign of snow. When the mixture seems full of little thread-like forms that gradually rise to the top, it means wind and sudden storms.
In the year 1858, I remember well what comprised the town of Hillsboro. First, at the east was the old Methodist parsonage; on the other side of the street the old log house called the Moore house – the next was the Marshall Peyatt house; Dr. George P. Moffett’s and Rev. M. D. Dunlap’s homes and the old Academy finished the block. On the west side of Main Street was the old blacksmith shop owned and operated by William Hill, from whom the town took its name. This shop stood on the ground now occupied by the Holt storehouse. Where the Holt house now stands was the Miller & Shanklin store and dwelling combined.
These buildings made up the town of Hillsboro in 1858. In the past thirty years there have been many improvements – a hotel, under the management of Mr. E. H. Moore, the Bank of Hillsboro, the High School, two churches, three stores, three blacksmith shops, planing mill and wagon shop.
The Callison addition has added much to the town – some houses up and others going up. The Payne addition will add much more to the appearance of the town. A number of buildings will probably be put up in the near future.
M. W. H.
Stock is looking fairly well considering the long drought, severe winter and scarcity of feed.
W. T. Townsend went to Clover Lick to pick up some feed. He said he got in the mud so deep sometimes that he could almost hear the boom of the artillery in the European war.
Sandy Gay has moved into the Gilmore house. We welcome Mr. Gay to our town.
Our hustling merchant, G. M. Sharp, is doing a good business. Go to him to get your money’s worth.
G. M. Sharp and Sherman Gibson unloaded a car of fine flour and feed at Sitlington last week.
Henderson Sharp was at home over Sunday from Thompson’s creek, he says – business is flourishing.
Some gypsies are camped near town, trading horses and telling fortunes.
We would like for the county court to make an automobile trip over our roads before the bottom drops clear out.
No serious sickness in the neighborhood at present.
A. M. Simmons had a very sick baby but it is better now.
Wilson Hill has been bad with blood poison but we are glad to say he is able to be out again.
The people of this community met with a considerable loss when the bridge at Lobelia was wrecked by the recent flood.
A. M. Simmons and son will soon have Mrs. Sallie Rogers’ house ready for her to move into.
We are blessed with another 12 inch flood. The big flood and ice did a great deal of damage, taking out water gaps on A. W. Gum’s place and the large chain footbridge for Walter Young and Mrs. Peora Gum. The weight of the chain was 1,300 pounds. Posts have been hauled to rebuild the bridge with cable wire.
Several men from the tannery were water bound for several days. They have now to go around by Mr. Lee Burner’s.
It was a shock to our community to hear of the death of Mr. Madison Mullenaux, of Bartow. She leaves a husband and several small children, one an infant, but eight months old.
Victor Kincaid has quit school to take care of a bunch of cattle for O. M. Greathouse.
Guy Greathouse is breaking a fine span of colts.
It has been a fine winter for the man with feed to sell, but not for him who has to buy.
Feed is very scarce in this section. Sherman Gibson had a car load of hay at Sitlington last week.
Some of the young folks of this part have been attending the meeting at Frost.
Mrs. Mantie Bambrick is complaining very much of grippe.
Morgan Grimes is able to sit up in bed a little, but is very feeble.
Major J. C. Price reports that snow fell to the depth of 13 inches on his Cloverlick farm Monday night.
Billy Gragg has sold his timber to the Wells Lumber Company. This timber will be sawed soon.
J. W. Grimes and Amos Fertig took two loads of hay home from Sitlington Tuesday.
Farmers ought to make an effort to raise more hay. Cow peas make good feed and are very easy raised. No wonder some people complain of money being scarce. Look what goes out every winter for feed and hay. Somebody has got to get to work in the ground. The foreign element is doing all the work on public jobs and they never farm.
S. F. Wise lost a fine horse last week.
Ice froze in Thomas creek 18 inches thick last week.
Some damage was done by the flood to the Warn railroad.
The Dunmore undertaking shop furnished a burial outfit Friday of last week for Mrs. Madison Mullenaux, who died at her home in Bartow the 7th. She was about 40 years old and leaves a husband and several children to mourn her loss.
The stork seems to be preparing Arbovale and vicinity for war; for born to Oda Wooddell and wife, a boy; to Weiford Sutton and wife, a boy; and to Summers Sutton and wife, twin boys.
F. Hamed was looking after his interest at Wesley Sunday.