Thursday, January 15, 1925
The parents of some of the pupils in E. D. H. S. have been wondering why their children have been looking so badly. The symptoms of their sickness are as follows: there is a dark brown taste in the mouth, which lasts for about 24 hours each day, and a decrease in appetite is noticeable. The parents’ minds have been pacified by being informed that these are the symptoms of flunkitis. It is always a forerunner of the semester and term examinations, therefore don’t worry, for they will probably recover in time to see the total eclipse of the sun, Saturday, January 24.
Britzel Lettier, 25 years old, died in the Pittsburgh Hospital yesterday morning from the effects of a gunshot wound inflicted Saturday night, police say, by Frank Galford, following a card game in the rear of a confectionery store which Lettier was part owner. Galford was turned over to the coroner yesterday and then locked up in the county jail.
According to police, Galford had left the store earlier in the night after losing heavily in the game. Later he returned and shot Lettier who was still playing. Lieutenant Jacob Robitzer of the Frankstown avenue police station was called to the scene. After a chase of several blocks, the officer caught Galford but in the struggle which followed he was injured severely. His injuries confined him to his home yesterday. Four other men arrested in connection with the shooting were released at the hearing.
On Wednesday of last week, Chief of Police John Waugh, received a communication from the chief of the Pittsburgh Detective Bureau enclosing a picture of Frank Galford, saying that Galford was held on a charge of murder and inquiring if there was a criminal record against him in his home county of Pocahontas.
Galford is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Brown Galford.
In 1907 he was sent to the penitentiary from Pocahontas county for entering the home of the late Isaac Sharp at Edray and taking a sum of money. He is about 42 years of age and married.
Quite a number of folks have been getting ice the past week.
The Young Peoples Circle met Friday night at the home of Mrs. G. W. Wood. Among those who attended were Rita Moore, Francis McComb, Evelyn Ginger, Mary McComb, Olin Thomas, Anna Phillips. We hope more of our members will attend next month as we want to make our meetings successful.
Mrs. Elihu Moore spent last Friday night at Minnehaha Springs with her mother Mrs. Hannah McElwee, who has been sick.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Campbell, of Warm Springs, were in town one day last week.
Miss Veda Moore spent the weekend with Anna Howard at Buckeye.
Rita Moore and Evelyn Ginger of the E. D. H. S. spent Sunday with home folks.
Dr. Howard and Dr. Yeager were called to town Saturday to see Doyle Kincaid who is very sick. We hope he will soon be able to start to school again.
Mrs. Linnie Lee Moore Tyler died at her home at Edray last Thursday noon, January 8, 1925. Her age was 47 years. Burial at the Edray cemetery Saturday afternoon, the service being conducted from the Edray church.
Mrs. Tyler was the wife of George Tyler, who died about 17 years ago… The deceased was a daughter of the late Jacob Moore of Elk. She was a useful woman who led a quiet home life.
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Mrs. Rachel Moore Kee, widow of the late George M. Kee, died at her home near Marlinton early Monday morning, January 12, 1925. Mrs. Kee was 70 years of age. Her body was buried in the Buckley graveyard by the side of her husband who preceded her less than a year ago. The service was conducted from her late home…
Mrs. Kee was the daughter of the late James and Anne McNeill Moore. She was a most useful woman, a loving mother and a faithful wife and helpmeet.