Thursday, December 11, 1913
The warm weather was broken by snow and storm Sunday night. The high winds blew the school house from its foundation some twelve feet down the hill. T. J. Cashell, mail carrier, had called a few minutes before and advised the school of danger and before he had gone one hundred yards, he saw the house go over. J. Kesler, Price Kesler and Ballengee Cassell were at the scene a moment later and carrying out the stove, saving the house from fire. Fortunately no one was seriously hurt. Minnie Galford received a bad burn on her arm as the stove slid against her seat. No serious damage was done to the house; one place in the floor was broken from the pillar and the flue was broken off at the top of the roof. The plaster is in good shape. A mistake is made every time a house is built where the ground is not level, but propping it up on high pillars. The ground should be graded off to a level, setting the house not over twelve inches from the ground to insure no danger. It ought to be a crime to compel children to go to such school houses.
E. D. Burner and H. Kesler were looking out the proposed location for a new road near Deer Creek and Cass. A good location was viewed out, and right-of-way secured through the lands of the Range Lumber Co. and E. D. Burner free.
A road from Cass to Back Mt. near the McLaughlin school house is next this year.
The health of the people is very good at this writing.
Cutting and skidding logs is the general order of the day.
J. Luther McNeill has recently completed a protracted job of cutting and skidding his own timber. Mr. McNeill had the good fortune to come out with a nice sum of money after he had paid all of his expenses.
Vester Gilmore has returned from Baltimore with his wife. Her condition is not improved any whatever.
Elmer Baxter and sister Bertha were shopping at Marlinton one day last week.
Frank Harper, of Academy, was here and sold the Baxter family some nice monuments last week.
Mrs. Susie Jackson and children were visiting her sister, Mrs. Preston Moore, on Spruce Flat, last week.
Frank Wilfong died at his home four miles from Arbovale Tuesday night. He had been sick over a year. Age, about 45 years.
June McElwee has gone to housekeeping on Front Church St.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Warwick Shinaberry, a boy.
Look out for war, so many boy babies being born.
150 new houses will be built at Deer Creek.
Mrs. Henry Taylor lost one of her match colts with distemper.
Win McElwee traded off his fine saddle horse.
Our merchants lost heavily on their turkeys; lost all their rabbits.
Some of the mudholes froze up.
Last Sunday night was one of the worst nights that we have had for a long time, not so much snow, but very stormy.
Our merchant, Mr. Hamed, has been butchering quite a number of turkeys this fall.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gillispie, Nov. 28, a daughter.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ervin, Dec. 1, a daughter.
Wise Gillispie got very badly hurt last Thursday while working for Charles Gum and Co., by a log upsetting and striking him on the head. He has not entirely come to himself yet; he thinks he worked all day and got sick that night.
We are having very rough weather at present.
Omen Corbett has a fine saddle horse.
James Watson killed a March pig that weighed 218 pounds.
Simpson Gragg was laid up a couple of days with tonsillitis.
Jake Taylor is not much better at this writing.
We have been having our Indian summer weather, but think our Russian winter will soon begin.
Hunters in this vicinity are paying daily visits to the woods in search of game.
The conquest of the bear by Clawson Underwood and Frank Sharp created quite an excitement.
Kennie Underwood met with a painful accident Wednesday, by cutting his knee with an axe while chopping wood.
S. P. Sheets, of Huntersville, was the champion speller for the Cummings Creek school Wednesday night.
While hauling wood Saturday, two of the children of Mr. and Mrs. J.S.B. Pyles met with what might have been a serious accident. They were thrown out of the wagon, the wheel passing over the little girl’s head and the boy’s feet were caught in the singletree. The little sufferers are recovering rapidly, we are glad to say.