Thursday, August 13, 1914
The war is getting closer. The automobile of John G. Luke, who is touring in Germany, has been confiscated by the German army for military purposes. This by a cablegram to Allen L. Luke. Mr. and Mrs. John G. Luke have been making a tour of the continent in their automobile.
Uriah Hevener reports a yield of 118 bushels of wheat from three acres of ground, an average of 39 1/3 measured bushels to the acre. This was so fine and heavy had it been weighed would have made 42 or more weighed bushels.
W. A. Eskridge has bought J. K. Marshall’s house near the courthouse, and moved there. E. C. Bush has moved into the rooms vacated by Mr. Eskridge, on Fourth Avenue.
The Warn Lumber Company has purchased a large tract of timber on Sitlington Creek and has installed a large double band mill at the mouth of the creek. They will cut 200,000,000 feet. G. W. Huntley, Jr., has undertaken to stock the mill at the rate of 20,000,000 feet per year. It will take about ten years to finish up the contract. Mr. Huntley is an experienced operator and the company is to be congratulated in securing his services, and a successful operation for the Company is predicted.
It does not take long for a really good thing to be appreciated. The members of the Allegheny Sportsmen’s Club from all parts of West Virginia are beginning to realize each time they visit the Club the great advantage they derive from being members. The glorious scenery, the best of bass fishing in Knapps Creek, where two hours of fishing after supper results in a big string of fish for breakfast, and great prospects for pheasant, elk and deer, game in plenty when the season opens October fifteenth. The fact that members can bring their families with them, assured that they will find every comfort, consideration and attention, adds much to the other attractions, and although up in the heart of the Alleghenies, they will find all modern conveniences in the Club house, with bathing nearby and abundance of the clear, sparkling Minnehaha Spring water always in the house.
Now that the gardens are yielding abundance of fine fruit and vegetables, with the addition of milk fed chickens, waffles and a famous cook, the Club can boast an unusually fine table. Quick service by automobile from Marlinton, nine miles away, brings members to the Club in thirty-five minutes, over one of the most picturesque roads that can be found anywhere.
There is a pretty good show for fall pasture since the late rains, and calf buyers are stirring around.
Charles Varner, of Virginia, was in the neighborhood last week buying calves.
Kerr Bros. have started out with their threshing machine.
Gathering berries is in order and the berry crop is right good. With plenty of berries and apples we should stop complaining.
The potato crop is light, only about two or three in a hill.
A. C. Pugh is cutting the B. M. Arbogast timber for the Range Lumber Company.
Clarence McComb and sister, Opal, of Huntersville, were visiting at the home of J. O. Beard last Sunday. Miss Wilma Beard returned home with them Monday.
Picking berries and making hay seems to be the order of the day.
Misses Quaid and Verna Fertig were the guests of their friends Maybell and Mona Grimes.
Edgar and Delbert Carpenter have been making hay for J. W. Grimes.
There will be a box supper at Mt. Zion, Saturday night, August 29th.
J. A. Hoover and wife and Mrs. Bertha Shultz and son spent the day at the hotel last Wednesday, running out in Mr. Smith’s car. After enjoying a bath in the swimming pool, the party was served dinner and departed with many expressions of appreciation both of the hotel and the quality of the service. The cuisine of the hotel, under the efficient supervision of Miss Barnes, is making a reputation second to none in the state and is being widely advertised by the frequent automobile parties which have stopped here.
Mrs. Henry Gilmer and party, consisting of Miss Anna Parks Rucker, Miss Margaret Wessinger, Miss Bessie Gilmer and Earl Russell, drove over from Lewisburg last Sunday for dinner at the hotel. They also were pleased with their visit and expressed the intention of returning during the season.
Dr. Solter knows just how much water there is on the road from White Sulphur Springs to Minnehaha, for he accompanied his brother-in-law from Huntington in his Ford car. They arrived last Friday, soaked to the skin after driving through the rain and through the creeks in high gear. He reported that the road is now dry since they splashed all the water out of the creeks.
Miss Jean F. Barnes, daughter of the manager, arrived Sunday for a short visit and a dance was given in her honor at the hotel last night. A number of the young people from Marlinton and elsewhere were in attendance and thoroughly enjoyed the dancing until a late hour. Refreshments, consisting of ice cream and Lady Baltimore cake, were served at eleven o’clock.
The usual informal dance at the hotel on last Saturday night was attended by the Misses McClintic, Ralph Yeager and Mead Arbogast, of Marlinton, Moser Herold, Raymond and Newton Lockridge, of Minnehaha Springs, besides the guests of the hotel. Dancing commenced in the large sitting room but the floor was so crowded that the dining room was opened and the merry party tangoed and one-stepped all over the place, to the music of the hotel pianola, until the last indefatigable couple was satiated with exercise. The informality of these weekly functions is much appreciated and parties come a long distance to attend them.