Thursday, July 1, 1920
People who give the square deal to the lower animals will be all the more likely to extend it to men. The youth who is taught respect for the life beneath him – taught not to injure or kill any animal wantonly – will be all the less likely to do harm to his fellow men. Much of the violence and cruelty which still lingers in our civilization may be traced to lack of the humane element in the education of the young. It seems a far cry from considerations like these to the federation of the world, yet international peace begins, if anywhere, in that reverence for life, for individuality, for personality, which has its roots in kindness to animals. Boston Transcript
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Among the trees to be noted in this valley is a large sassafras on the farm of Porter Kellison on Swago. A foot above the ground it has a circumference of 116 inches, and it is eighteen or twenty feet to the first limb, holding its size well. A sixteen and a fourteen foot saw log could be had out of the tree. Four or five years ago the tree measured 111 inches and this shows that it is still thrifty and making a steady growth. During the lifetime of Mr. Kellison’s father, the late Clark Kellison, the present owner made the suggestion that sassafras boards would be a novelty in this part of the country and that the tree in the meadow would make some fine lumber. He was given instructions then and there to lay no axe to that tree as it was a landmark preserved by his great-grandfather, the late Squire John McNeill, in the early days of the county. That even then it was a tree remarkable in size and symmetry for a sassafras. Naturally the owner sets a store by such a tree, and nothing will befall it from the hand of man.
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A chunk of a swarm of bees came out of Marlin Mountain Monday noon and settled on and under the board walk in front of the barber shop on Third Avenue. L. O. Simmons, the bee man, was notified and he came with a hive, and the little wanderers were soon his property. A friend of ours, who is a close observer of natural phenomena, contended the bees could not have come from the woods as they were of the Italian variety, but he was reminded that most of the breeders that are out these days are Italian swarms that have escaped from some bee keeper. The old black bee seems to be the best worker and not so susceptible to diseases.
Glenna White was struck and instantly killed by lightning at Minnehaha Springs last Thursday afternoon. She and her father, H. Lee White, and Doc Alderman were in the cornfield near Mr. White’s house. Clouds were coming up and there was the sound of distant thunder, but the storm did not seem near.
Then came a flash of lightning and a loud clap of thunder. The little girl was struck in the back of the head, breaking the skin, but breaking no bones. Her neck, shoulder, arm and side were burned and the handle of the hoe she was using was split.
Mr. White was knocked to his knees, but was able to go to his daughter and raise her up as she breathed her last.
Alderman was knocked down and badly shocked.
Glenna was twelve years old, the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee White. She was a bright and attractive little girl and gave great promise of a useful life.
The funeral was conducted from the New Hope Lutheran Church at Minnehaha Springs on Saturday morning, the service being conducted by Rev. Mr. Sprouse, of Crabbottom. Burial in the family graveyard on the White farm.
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The fighting in Ireland continues. There is trouble between the Irishmen. Generations ago Henry Grattan told the Irish that they would have to learn how to endure each other, for if they did not that they would be forced to endure the British. And Ireland has become an armed camp.
The fighting got a little closer to us of the endless mountains in that they fought for a week in Londonderry. That is the place that all of our ancestors sailed from when they were filling up this part of the United States. They came out of the hills and hollows back of Londonderry nearly two hundred years ago.
When they got the fighting subdued last week and commenced to list the dead, two familiar names appeared: Moore and McLaughlin. There is not a shadow of a doubt that those two dead men were cousins of half of the county of Pocahontas.