Thursday, May 21, 1914
Captain B. B. Dovenor, of Wheeling, died last week. We can well remember when he was a popular idol. He served in Congress and was one of the brightest men of the State. He was retired to private life, lost his money, and his mind gave way. And finally he departed this life under such circumstances that it must have been truly a blessed release. How often have we seen that a miserable old age is the fate of public men, while men who have not known the spur of ambition round out their lives in peace and safety, with honor, love, obedience and troops of friends. With them old age is “as a lusty winter – frosty, but kindly.”
Remember, Good Road Days, May 29 and 29
This is a Nation wide movement for better roads, but depends for success on the cooperation of every citizen. Do something. Don’t wait for your neighbor to start, but get out with pick and shovel or team and mend that bad piece of road in front of your house or beside your farm that you have been trying to get the road superintendent or the County Court to look at for twenty years past. The best way to get a thing done, sometimes, is to do it yourself. This is one of those times. The movement is educational and means better roads for less money in the future. Everybody pays road tax, it is true, but money never built roads unless intelligently and industriously and honestly applied. Do something, and do it now.
The horse show at Academy this year will be held about the first of September, the date not to conflict with the show at Monterey, White Sulphur and Elkins. The track is now being put in shape, has been enlarged to three eighths of a mile. The show will probably last three days. Grandstand and stables will be built, and the catalog issued as soon as the date can be fixed upon. The usual running, trotting and hurdle racing, riding and driving classes, draft and colt contest, etc. In addition there will be chicken exhibits if the breeders of purebred poultry will take enough interest and write in time to make arrangements.
Find weather and farmers are busy.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carpenter took their little sick child to Marlinton last week to see Dr. J. W. Price. We hope it will soon recover.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert McLaughlin and Miss Nellie McLaughlin have been on the sick list.
Mrs. Cora Carpenter was shopping at Dunmore last week.
Since the Alaskan storms have played their last tune we are having balmy breezes.
Planting corn and potatoes is the order of the day.
Some visiting is going on in this part but that is strictly none of our business.
James Gibson believes in the adage that he that by the plow would thrive, himself must either hold or drive.
H. Shelton is fencing for Asa Barlow.
Robert Gibson is fencing, plowing and planting.
Since Huerta’s saucy impudence to our people and the American flag we say, smite them hip and thigh until they are thoroughly humiliated. We wouldn’t mind taking a hand, but had a relative that’s afraid of firearms and we’re a little timid on that account.
With the return of spring time the Sunday schools of our town seem to be taking on new life – there were more than two hundred in attendance last Sunday morning in the two churches – Methodist and Presbyterian.
Our farmers had a busy week preparing their ground and planting corn. This being done, we look for a good turn-out next Thursday and Friday, the 28th and 29th, in response to our Governor’s call for Good Roads Days.
Gentlemen, let us make ours the banner district for work on those two days. This scribe will be on hand either in person or by proxy.
A number of our enterprising farmers have recently burned lime kilns, and are now liming their lands – a great thing, gentlemen, let other follow this example.
T. A. Sydenstricker has bought a nice five passenger Overland touring car.
W. J. Pritchard spent Sunday visiting friends at Dunmore.
Mervin Sharp spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilmer Sharp.
W. T. Townsend made a trip to Sitlington last Monday.
Mrs. Pearl Gay, of Edray, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Carpenter.
Miss Grace Rider, after taking a business course at Richmond College, returned to her home here last Friday.
Mr. Gum, our energetic planer, is kept busy.
L. A. Herold has erected a neat cottage on his lots and it looks quite cozy.
The Club house is nearing completion and will be open for visitors soon.
Mr. Barnes and son from Sanabel, Florida, have taken over the Minnehaha Springs, and will be here in a few days and will open to the public Hiawatha Inn July 1st. Mr. Barnes is a born hotel man – has been in the business twenty-five years. For the last five years he has owned and operated a winter resort in Sanabel, Florida, and has taken over Minnehaha as a summer place for his guests. Pocahontas can justly be proud of her resources.
Mr. Moore and son are rapidly pushing their railroad commissary. They are also good church workers. Such men are needed.
The great problem now is L. H. Herold procuring fresh meat for the eagles in the park. The deer, elk and ducks are looking well.
The Methodist parsonage will be built as soon as carpenters can be procured. Everyone is employed now on the summering places.
Mr. Editor, get your fishing rod ready and come up.