Thursday, April 22, 1920
It is hard for a poor candidate to keep unspotted from the World. Having nothing else to say about that estimable man, Gen. Wood, the World comes out and makes his managers admit that rich men are putting up the money to finance his campaign, after the manner of a plea of confession and avoidance.
They maintain rightly that the rich have their rights to participate in the selection of their rulers under a republican form of government and, as the rich are out numbered at the polls at the ratio of about ten thousand to one, it is up to them to use their wits and their wealth. It is not put in that language exactly but that is what they mean. They point out that Wood has no money to conduct a campaign of his own, being entirely dependent upon his salary as a general, and if some patriotic millionaires did not put up the rocks that he could not create a ripple in the pool of politics.
It is true that it takes money to make a noise in a campaign and the man who has not got it to scatter with both hands is not often successful in the game.
Coming close on the heels of the Newberry conviction it is somewhat unfortunate and hard to explain. When Newberry received that salty dose of penal servitude, his friends rallied around him and explained that if he was guilty of anything, that he was merely guilty of a statutory offense like boot-legging, and that his expenditures would have been perfectly legitimate, if they had not been against the law…
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The Thornwood lumber job has been closed out, after nearly twenty years of big timber cutting. Our friend, J. H. Phelan, the superintendent, goes to the Spice Run Lumber Company as general manager. He expects to move his family to Spice Run about May first. This operation runs day and night, has five locomotives and two log loaders. Mr. Phelan is very successful in handling big timber operations, being a practical man who knows the logging game from tree to car and back again. Eighteen years ago, he came to Marlinton as mill and yard foreman for the old Greenbrier River Lumber Company.
J.M. Grogg has moved from Durbin to Cass into the property he has recently bought from L. H. Walker.
Cam McLaughlin has bought the Mason property at Dunmore from Garfield Grimes.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Curry, a son.
Misses Mary McClintic and Nelle Yeager are visiting friends in Baltimore and Washington.
Dr. J. H. Light arrived on the late train Wednesday from Hinton, to take charge of the Methodist pastorate.
Word has been received of the death of Mrs. Catherine Simmons, aged 84 years, at her home in the Sinks. She was the widow of the late Jeremiah Simmons.
The ladies of the Meth-odist church gave a tea at the home of Dr. McCoy last Saturday evening in honor of Mrs. W. D. Keene. As a token of their appreciation of their pastor’s wife, Mrs. Keene was presented with a handsome purse of $75 in gold.
J. D. Wilmoth, of Durbin, was in town several days last week. He is greatly interested in community singing, and to that end he is very anxious for the revival of the Pocahontas County Singing Association…
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A very quiet home wedding was solemnized at the home of John Linsay when his daughter, Miss Nancy, became the bride of Mr. Anthony Barnett, of Stony Bottom… Immediately after the ceremony the bridal party entered the dining room where a bountiful supper was served. Those present were Mrs. Barnett, step-mother of the groom, Mrs. McCalpin, Mrs. Perry Buzzard and son and daughter, Rev. and Mrs. C. B. Rutledge and Miss Marie Cook.
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Married, Milbourn Sharp and Miss Pearl Beverage, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dave Sharp, on April 14, 1920. Rev. M. H. Ramsey officiating minister. Their many friends wish them a long and prosperous life.
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Mr. and Mrs. William McNeil celebrated their golden wedding on Wednesday with a reception at their home on Swago.
Marlinton Presbyterian Church
Rev. J. M. Walker, Pastor.
Preaching only at night as the pastor will preach at Westminster at 11 a.m. and Huntersville at 3:30 p.m. Don’t forget the Sunday School hour. Last Sunday there were 364 pupils in the two Sunday schools in Marlinton.
Were you there?
If not, join us Sunday.