Thursday, March 18, 1920
E. G. Greer, of Marion, Virginia, of the firm of R. T. Greer & Son, is in Marlinton to establish a business in medicinal roots and herbs. He has rented the Eskridge building and will be ready for business when the season opens. The firm has a number of branches in West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee and other states. We would imagine that a great business can be developed in this particular section where the rich woods and pastures teem with plants, which now have a profitable market. Mr. Greer will move his family here as soon as a house can be had. He was a soldier in the Great War, a member of the 2nd West Virginia regiment, and was badly injured at Camp Kanawha.
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Williams & Pifer Lumber Company is tearing down a part of the old McLaughlin livery barn to be replaced by a brick office building. The building will be two stories high, and 40 by 24 feet.
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Z. S. Smith has bought the Householder farm on the east side of town from W. C. Householder. This is a very desirable piece of property, and has been put in a high state of cultivation by Mr. Householder. It is understood that the price was about $8,000.
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Frank, the old reliable gray horse of W. C. Householder, lay down and died one day last week, after 28 years of usefulness. Frank was early on the job at the building of the Tannery. He was a powerful worker, but being temperamental, he was particular who did the directing. If the driver did not know any more than Frank, the horse, did, there was trouble good and plenty. Frank was graduated into the grocery business, and for a dozen years, rain or shine, he made the rounds with the delivery wagon. He knew the stopping places, would wait on the driver and never ran away. The motor truck relieved him, and he was taken to the farm for light work. Last summer, it was noticed that he was getting poor, and Mr. Householder gave him extra feed and care and made his last days as easy as possible.
At the instance of the Good Road Committee of the Marlinton Board of Trade, public meetings were held on Friday and Saturday nights, for the purpose of arousing public sentiment and to provide ways and means for permanent improvements on the road to Mt. View Cemetery. At neither meeting was the attendance as large as desired, but those present were the right kind. They got squarely behind the proposition and the road will be worked.
The cemetery is owned by the Town of Marlinton. It is a large lot, beautifully located, with the grounds systematically plotted. It greatly needs shrubbery, and improvement of walks and driveways. The town has some money in the cemetery fund, which will be devoted to improving and beautifying the grounds, but the fund is not sufficient to put in condition the road leading to the grounds. This is practically impassible at times. The council is considering the matter of employing a permanent caretaker.
It is estimated that an expenditure of twelve hundred dollars probably would be sufficient to make a rock road with gravel surface…
At the meeting, over six hundred dollars was paid or pledged for this work…
It is a shame of the mountain people that the resting places of their dead are so generally neglected.
It is the fair index of the kind of people who make up the town as to how churches, schools, roads, cemeteries and other institutions of a public nature are supported and cared for.
In the matter of this road, there are reasons in addition to sentiment.
Marlinton is making an effort to keep her good people here and bring in others who are looking for a desirable place to raise their families.
The road to the cemetery is one of the ragged places of Marlinton and makes a bad impression on the discerning man – the kind of people that help a community.
We are having some changeable March weather.
Bliss Shrader and family, who have been sick with influenza, are able to be out again.
A. M. Dean is hauling goods for our new merchant, F. W. Dean.
L. W. McCoy is hauling lumber for Albert McCoy near Lobelia.
Mrs. Anderson, of Marlinton, is visiting her son, Emery Anderson, at Spice.
Mrs. A. J. McCoy is at Hillsboro with her sister Mrs. Geo. Clark, who is sick with influenza.
J. R. Hiner still continues very ill.
Mrs. J. L. Fertig who had the misfortune to cut her arm, is improving nicely.
We are not having very good sugar making weather so far.
The farmers are preparing to do their spring plowing.